Filmmaking / Directing : Thesis by Ro Serra

Ro Serra


Hello, from Argentina, I'm working on my thesis, filming a short documentary and fiction that I wrote, about the friendship betwen two significant women ; Gabriela Mistral and Victoria Ocampo. I am making it with my basic photo camera, and with no budget . Whe are a very small team including the actresses . I love doing it, I hope can share it with you, when finished.

Abdul Latif Sabaali

Waw can’t wait to see it

Abdul Latif Sabaali

Wish I can be part of this

Karen "Kay" Ross

Please do share it! Let us know how it goes! You can also save this post and comment on it to give us updates on the project as you go. Here is the link to your post:

Ro Serra

Hello , I finally finished this one person proyect, hope you like it, I did it with my semipro cámara, wrote and directed, also edit. I m sorry I don't have subtitles, but hoping you enjoy either way

Doug Nelson

The audio s not in my language so I don't understand a word of it. The video is in a language I do speak - it is beautifully done. It's very moving- I love the way you've intercut the historic B & W footage and your use of insert shots. The story is well developed through the video. Be careful how you handle subtitles as they can become a curse. Excellent overall.

Ro Serra

Thank you Doug!!! I really appreciate your comment, and mostly that you watched it despite not understanding the audio language. My English is not good enough to translate it perfectly, and because there are texts from the letters two women ,poet and writer, spoke, I have to be very careful when adding subtitles.Thanks again.

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