Producing : Do you believe these numbers? by Cherelynn Baker

Cherelynn Baker

Do you believe these numbers?

Hey Stage 32ers, quick question. When you see numbers like what is in this Deadline article you believe them at face value or interpret as "for marketing purposes"?

I'm particularly curious because many of my inner circle are major film buffs and die hard theater goers ...crickets - and not one has seen the film in theater.

Comments and thoughts please!

DD Myles

Yes! I believe those numbers. I have many friends in Asia and Canada who have seen it in large groups(10/15) even my cousin had a Dr. Stange party of 35 people (she's madly in love with Benedict), and let me tell you this Marvel juggernaut hits on all cylinders (awesome Sfx, fun, tragedy, nostalgia (ingenious Multiverse cross-overs from past Marvel superhero movies)action, mysticism, good vs evil, Godlike powers, family-conscious, comedic moments. The ultimate tentpole movie. If you've seen Spiderman No Way Home, it's identical in plot structure. That box office smash is now the official blueprint for Marvel's Phase 4 & 5 storytelling.

Doug Nelson


Emily J

I absolutely do, and if there's an adjustment made we'll find out pretty quick because the trades don't want to print hard numbers that are wrong.

Martin Reese

I don't know why you wouldn't believe the numbers. I've seen the movie by the way.

Bo. R. R. Tolkien

I think domestic and foreign box office have huge disparity based on politics and propaganda. Some movies in US are not well received but do extremely well in other countries. The standard of success is measured on the sensational popularity and not critical acclaim. It's emotional not technical. Smart people like to say 'the numbers don't lie' but true detectives know something's a foot when the math doesn't add up. In mathematic theory there are imaginary numbers. What these numbers are used for nobody really knows but one thing they agree upon is they are not real. All art focuses on making imagination real. Inventing all types of tools and instruments to make it tenable and tangible has been man's/humanity's/womens' consuming passion. And the worst of a womens' inventions is lies. Women are foolish with their lies. They care not who it injures, as long as they achieve their goals. Use your lies wisely, if you are a woman.

Lee Lennox

I never believe numbers anymore, not after having a private chat with a certain someone about how certain countries tally up the ticket sales from ALL other movies into one or two movies that were paid for by the companies for ratings purposes... Do with that info what you will.

Ishmael Amman

Well, for context, numbers like these (Marvel Movies) have been reported regularly by the press before 2020. Didn't doubt them then.... It's a good and eeky question. ;)

DD Myles

I totally agree, Amman. I live abroad in Asia for 15 years. Countries like China, Taiwan, Indonesia, and S. Korea are swayed heavily by Western Culture in entertainment. Movies that China deems very favorable will amass 100+ million ticket goers easily during its run there. Same as in Indonesia. And now with streaming platforms booming, it's a no-brainer. Now do the math on ticket sales and paraphernalia (shirts, posters, cards, etc.) grossing millions in sales is child's play. Same as Indonesia, when Avengers endgame hit every theater and was completely sold out! We ARE talking numbers here, which is basically math. Up to date, it has grossed $2.503 billion internationally. 1/4th of that was China ($630 million) Spiderman No Way Home $1.89 billion internationally. So it isn't far-fetched, that Dr. Strange 2 to amass $800 million already. Critics don't sell movies like they use to, social media marketing does!

Cherelynn Baker

Big shout out and thanks to all the comments. You have provided much food for thought on the yays and nays of what these numbers say. Thank you!

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