Screenwriting : good morning from Arizona by Cecil Anthony Valdez-Hernandez V

Cecil Anthony Valdez-Hernandez V

good morning from Arizona

hello, everyone I am new - a fellow screenwriter, and plawright, good to be part of the community

Tony Pham

Hi Cecil Anthony Valdez-Hernandez V good to meet a fellow Arizonan on here! Welcome to the community!

Thomas Elizondo

Good Morning from Texas!

Cecil Anthony Valdez-Hernandez V

hello all

Doug Nelson

Good morning from Oregon.

Ashley Parker

Hi! I'm a screenwriter as well. Nice to meet you

Chelsea Beckley

Welcome! I'm new to screenwriting as well, nice to meet you!

Maurice Vaughan

Glad you joined the lounge, Cecil Anthony Valdez-Hernandez V.

MB Stevens

Welcome Cecil Anthony Valdez-Hernandez V Glad you're here. Onward and upward.

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