Introduce Yourself : Returned to see what is happening by Charles W Gordon III

Charles W Gordon III

Returned to see what is happening

Hello everyone,

I can’t remember the last time I was on here. I guess a year or longer. But since then, I was able to really focus on what I want to do. I wrote and wrote, which now has me sitting on a mountain of material. Started working on sets, which led to directing, even started my own company.

I’m not going to be on here 24/7 but will pop in to see what is going on. Feel free to message, but don’t get mad if I don’t immediately respond. I don’t view this from my phone.

Until then: imagine, create, go for it!

Amman Mohammed

When you've imagine and "Believe-in" the notion of a New Cinema, your work is done. You are a Cortez, and his men, looking at the PACIFIC OCEAN for the first time.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome back, Charles W Gordon III. Sounds like you used your time away wisely (mountain of material, working on sets, directing, started a company). Looking forward to hearing about your projects and talking more!

Maurice Vaughan

And great logo!

Matthew Parvin

Welcome back, Charles! Glad you're here. Look forward to connecting with you.

Towanna Williams

Hi Charles! That's great that you used your time doing what you do best.

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