Screenwriting : New York Trip by Ginger Gilley

Ginger Gilley

New York Trip

Well, I made the trip to NY to attend a writers Expo - only to get here and find out the in person event has been cancelled. All sessions are now virtual. Any suggestions from local NYers as to where to go, what to do so I can make the most of this trip?

Dan MaxXx

30 Rock, Ferry boat, Theater, Williamsburg restaurants & bars, rent a citibike

Christiane Lange

Guggenheim, MOMA, walk over the Brooklyn Bridge, window-shopping in Soho, buy lunch at Zabar's (bagel with lox) and take it to Central Park.

Deven Alex Sumner

The Highline, brunch in Hells Kitchen, Chelsea Market.

Ishmael Amman

Do you have a camera? Yes? Then do a lot of Script-ography.

Scott Sobel

Katz Deli on E. Houston Street for a pastrami on rye.. You will thank one for it..

Cherelynn Baker

After film school, some fellow students and I would go for drinks at Jekyll and Hyde - it's funky. You may enjoy it

Ishmael Amman

No matter what don't go to the Chinatown there because you won't know what's going on.

Emily J

Oh Ishmael Amman I disagree! haha I used to live in NYC and dim sum in Chinatown was a weekly ritual (highly recommend Dim Sum A Go-Go, but it's been a minute so not sure if it's still there). The High line is also great

Ishmael Amman

I am on record. Everyone's entitled to disagree with me as long as they have insurance. ;)

Christiane Lange

Nice to see everyone's fave 'newyorky' things to do :)

Dan MaxXx

Amman, have you been to Nyc? Cause I could point to 50 neighborhoods in the 5 boroughs that i wouldn't go after dark.

Ishmael Amman

Dan, Yes, the big A! Guess every place there is like Chinatown now...

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