On Writing : Raéyah Vol: 1 The Reach by A.S. Prioleau

A.S. Prioleau

Raéyah Vol: 1 The Reach

Very excited about my new book that, I’ve completed and ready for it to be introduced to the world. Hope you enjoy this little piece from the first installment. Tell me what you think?

Raéyah was born to a family of what would appear to be normal to humans but whom are actually a race of beings from another planet which seeked refuge on earth a millenia ago because of violent wars that wracked their home planet.

In a desperate attempt to win what is deemed "The Great War" Raéyah's ancestors made a pact with a group of powerful ancient spirits that could, and did, aid his people in attaining victory over the dark, opposing forces.

The pact established the understanding that whenever the people's ways caused them to stray too far from the true ways of nature, and the understanding of the creator, The Ancient Spirits, who together form the dragon-spirit, would manifest itself into physical form via incarnating in a male of Raéyah's lineage, in order to right the ways of the people. This is Raéyah's plight, for the ancient dragon has manifested itself in him. In attempt to thwart the objective of the dragon-spirit the standing governing powers of Raéyah's home planet, which were also the regime to be overthrown, infiltrated the powerful governing factions of earth millenia before Raéyah was born, in hopes to eventually locate and destroy the child before his coming of age...

They failed. And now, Raéyah, hunted by all world governments, is on the run for his life........

Billy Kwack

Nice artwork, good luck

MB Stevens

Great work A.S. Prioleau Love your cover art. Onward and upward.

A.S. Prioleau

Thank you guys so much!!!

Ellison Kk

so creative of you

Debbie Elicksen

I love the cover art. Don't forget your name on the front of the book. :) Really nice work. Get a poster made, quick! :)

Abdur Mohammed

Hey A.S. Prioleau ...WOw...looks amazing. I love the cover. Best of luck to you.

Karen "Kay" Ross

I LOVE this cover artwork! Who did you work with to make it? I love the depth of the world (especially the details with The Ancient Spirits) and his backstory, although I feel like I want to know who is on his side. Someone once told me that there are only three stories - Kids need Parents, People need Partners, and the Power of Brotherhood/Sisterhood. In essence, every story needs relationships, even lone wolves are "between relationships" technically. In any case, I look forward to learning more about your characters and this very rich world you've created!

A.S. Prioleau

Thank you so much Karen!!! I love that you love it!! A great artist in France named Lou did the work and I would be more than happy to share him with you. I gave him a rough draft and told him what I wanted and he did amazing. I would love more feedback from you on what you think of the other characters. Raéyah is available on amazon https://a.co/d/jeBs8uR Please let me know what you think!!

Anne Maree Durnan

Enticing. Great work.

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