Screenwriting : How do you keep fit while living the writing life? by Claire V. Riley

Claire V. Riley

How do you keep fit while living the writing life?

Writing involves sitting around thinking, sitting at a computer and typing up your thoughts, reading what you wrote and correcting, reading what other people wrote and correcting, and watching TV shows and movies that other people created.

This sedentary occupation does not promote physical health.

I’ve been focusing on walking every day and getting back into yoga.

What do you do to keep your body energized, flexible and vibrant?

Tabitha Baumander

I don't I'm a mess.

Roberta M Roy

Perusing the NYTimes as I pedal my stationary bike half an hour a day, five to seven days a week.

Christiane Lange

I usually take an hour break for exercise 3-4 times a week, after having my coffee and breakfast, dealing with my email and doing a few hours of work in the morning. My work-out is simple: squats, crunches, leg lifts and small weights for my arms.

On the days I don't do this routine, I will often do a half hour of yoga, and I also walk most places that are within a 45-minute walk from my house.

Jim Boston

Claire, I do calisthenics when I get up each morning...and after I eat, I try to walk around the apartment for ten minutes each day.

My present job gives me a lot of exercise...but once I retire, I want to replace all that with a 30-to-45-minute walk.

Jacqueline Sandee Valle

I swim. I used to jog a lot, but it really hurt my knees and I realized to find a better exercise that was less harsh on my body.

Matthew Parvin

Exercise and having two kids.

Dawn Greenfield

What I've just started a couple of weeks ago is reading while I'm on my recumbent bike in the living room. I'm building up my strength to 2.5 miles in 15-20 minutes. I make small goals. My next goal is 5 miles. The writing life is so sedentary.

Shellie Schmals

Hi Claire - I'm a walker too! Usually in the mornings and in the evenings, I try to get 5 miles in everyday. My pup keeps me pretty motivated to get moving, so that helps!

Dan MaxXx

I have a gym membership, ride my bike, run/jog, play pickup basketball, walk the dog twice a day.

Maurice Vaughan

Rest, drink lots of water, stretch, and look away from my screen every so often so there won't be so much strain on my eyes.

Craig D Griffiths

You spend thousands of dollars on gym equipment that you then use to hang clothes on.

I put a waist coat on the other morning. It didn’t fit. So a I will do some exercise. I do like lifting weights. Nothing heavy. But I find it is the easiest way to control weight. For cardio, I have two standard poodle who need a walk to exercise their brains.

Wendy Weising

I have a rowing machine right next to my desk.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

I ride a recumbent bike 5 to 6 times a week and do a few weights. I also walk up stairs many times a day.

John Ellis

All these things ae great! I will say my day job is very physical, so when I sit down to write, it's actually resting!

And my other point: a key way that writers get better is by experiencing life. So while the act of writing/editing is sedentary, the act of getting better is being involved in the world around you. Friends, family, the guy at the store, the girl next to you at the gas get the idea.

Roberta M Roy

John, you are so right on the money! We also have to exercise our social skills and broaden our involvement in the community--especially given the degree of isolation imposed by COVID..

Richard "RB" Botto

I do some form of exercise - usually weights 4-5 days, cardio the others - without compromise. Like everything else in life, commitment and accountability is the key.

William Schumpert

I burn about 800 calories a day. 75 minutes of exercise with 12 hours of standing. I wake up at 5:30. Have a cold shower and at 6 start my morning routine. 7 I start my schedule for book ads and continue to exercise. From 8-11 a combination of ads and exercise. 11 to 12 is my lunch break (small lunch). Exercise and to my work Tuesday and Thursday. 1-4 I retweet my ads. More exercise as I snack on protein, veggies and fruit. Nothing to eat after 5. Do some reading, TV, video games. Whatever until around 10:40.

Roberta M Roy

Wow, William!

Julius Mendez

Walking and Yoga are some good practices! I enjoy bike riding in the morning to enjoy some sunlight and get the body going first thing in the day. I also try to workout at least 3-4 times in a week

James Drago

I started running again recently after a layoff and forgot how much it assisted with sparking ideas in addition to the obvious benefits.

Fred Smith

By the nature of the form, I usually go to the gym. I also usually use cognitive therapy for weight loss via the link which in combination gives an excellent result. Many cover rich food sets and nutrient rich foods, including information on the increased spectrum of foods and their foods. Users can easily access this information to determine the nutritional group of foods they are consuming. Such information is especially valuable for people with diabetes, allergies, or seizures. Appropriate nutritional composition of their meals, apps can adjust their diet according to their settings.

Michael Elliott

I go visit my married girlfriend.

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