Success Stories: AUG'15 Which Pitch Did You Enjoy Giving Most and Why?

Roberta M Roy

Which Pitch Did You Enjoy Giving Most and Why?

Yesterday I gave my first pitch for the Jolt Survival Series. Skype failed me so it was done by phone. At the end of it, I told the man to whom I gave the pitch that it had been my first time pitching to which he responded, "Not bad for a first time." Beyond an offer, what do you recall as the hallmark of the most satisfying pitch you ever gave?

Maurice Vaughan

Glad the pitch went well and glad you had a backup (your phone), Roberta M Roy! I received some of my best notes when I pitched my feature script "Escape the House" to David Harris through Stage 32. The notes really helped my pitch (and the pitch for my other feature script).

DB Harmon

I appreciate the Pitch Sessions but the use of Skype drives me mad. I live in a rural area of Alaska where internet is challenging and Skype takes forever to load, if at all. I have to sign onto Skype at least 45 min before a session. Phone is not a great alternative either as our cell service is as you imagine it to be in rural Alaska. I wish they would use Zoom - a much friendlier platform for rural folks.

Maurice Vaughan

Sorry you have to deal with those things when pitching, DB Harmon. You can email Stage 32 support and suggest Zoom for live pitches.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

I don't know why @Harold Todo is still an account. There seems no way to report a spammer??

Roberta M Roy

We're doing what we can to call him out, Shadow :)

Maurice Vaughan

I contacted Stage 32, Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg. They said Harold's account was suspended. Anyone can report spam to support.

Kevin J. Howard

Great job!! First one down, next one even better! :) My Skype fails me often too, but I find I'm better on the phone.

Maurice Vaughan

I'm not sure, J.D. Elliby, but I'll ask the Stage 32 support team.

Glad the Pitch Session went well!

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