Yesterday I gave my first pitch for the Jolt Survival Series. Skype failed me so it was done by phone. At the end of it, I told the man to whom I gave the pitch that it had been my first time pitching to which he responded, "Not bad for a first time." Beyond an offer, what do you recall as the hallmark of the most satisfying pitch you ever gave?
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Glad the pitch went well and glad you had a backup (your phone), Roberta M Roy! I received some of my best notes when I pitched my feature script "Escape the House" to David Harris through Stage 32. The notes really helped my pitch (and the pitch for my other feature script).
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I appreciate the Pitch Sessions but the use of Skype drives me mad. I live in a rural area of Alaska where internet is challenging and Skype takes forever to load, if at all. I have to sign onto Skype at least 45 min before a session. Phone is not a great alternative either as our cell service is as you imagine it to be in rural Alaska. I wish they would use Zoom - a much friendlier platform for rural folks.
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Sorry you have to deal with those things when pitching, DB Harmon. You can email Stage 32 support and suggest Zoom for live pitches.
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I don't know why @Harold Todo is still an account. There seems no way to report a spammer??
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We're doing what we can to call him out, Shadow :)
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I contacted Stage 32, Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg. They said Harold's account was suspended. Anyone can report spam to support.
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Great job!! First one down, next one even better! :) My Skype fails me often too, but I find I'm better on the phone.
I'm not sure, J.D. Elliby, but I'll ask the Stage 32 support team.
Glad the Pitch Session went well!