Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Aaliyah Rowell

Aaliyah Rowell


Hi, my name is Leah and I'm a screenwriter and actor. I just recently graduated with a BFA in Mass Media. I've also written five screenplays and am in the process of writing another. I don't have any work experience right now but I am looking forward to working on a production.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Aaliyah Rowell. :)

Congrats on writing five screenplays!

One way to get jobs on productions is building relationships, so jump into the lounges and be active ( You can comment on people's posts and even make your own posts.

You can also check the job section for jobs and projects (

Aaliyah Rowell

Okay, thank you so much.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Aaliyah Rowell. What's a BFA in Mass Media?

Aaliyah Rowell

Bachelor in Fine Arts

Maurice Vaughan

Ok. Are you writing any scripts right now (shorts, features, TV, etc.)?

Aaliyah Rowell

Yes, horror feature.

Maurice Vaughan

Cool. One of my main genres to write is Horror. Your profile says you're an actor. Are you writing a role for yourself in the script?

Aaliyah Rowell

No, I don't write roles for myself.

Maurice Vaughan

Ok. There are some webinars about Horror writing on Stage 32 ( I think I took a great one a while back. I've taken so many webinars I can't remember them all. :)

Aaliyah Rowell

Are the webinars free?

Maurice Vaughan

Some of the webinars on-demand are free. Not sure about the Horror writing webinars.

Aaliyah Rowell

Okay, cool. I've written a drama. I also wrote, directed, and edited a short film for a school project.

Maurice Vaughan

That's great. Are you planning to write/film/edit more shorts?

And there are webinars for Drama writing. Here's a free one:

Aaliyah Rowell

Probably writing. Also, thank you.

Erik Meyers

Great to meet you here. Best of luck!

B A Mason

Five screenplays! Most people have enough trouble cranking out one! What's your secret? I'm envious!

Aaliyah Rowell

I write a lot of stories and then I just turn them into screenplays. I have so many ideas so more will come.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Aaliyah Rowell.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome, Aaliyah! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here!

Geoff Hall

Aaliyah Rowell Greetings, Leah! It's great to see you here with Stage 32. You can find jobs here:

Aaliyah Rowell

Hi, thank you so much.

Valerie Michele Oliver

Aaliyah Rowell Welcome! This Community has so very much to offer. All the best success!

Aaliyah Rowell

Thank you.

Stephen Olson

If you would like to test out some of that writing join us at LA Play Reading on Facebook. We record virtual performance on Zoom of original material. We perform these short ten minute scripts every 4th Sunday at 2:00 pm PT.

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