Introduce Yourself : Actor/Writer/Lawyer by Victor King

Victor King


I write comedy. (I completed the basic improv sequences at Second City Hollywood and Upright Citizens Brigade, and two sketch courses at the Pack.) Also, I've appeared on many unscripted TV shows (game shows/reality competitions). (Clips at: I've practiced entertainment law in the past, but now specialize in education and intellectual property law.

Fiona Linton-Brohamer

Hi Victor, what kind of comedy do you do?

Stephen Olson

Does being funny help in the court room?

Victor King

Skits and stand-up material.

Victor King

It is pretty essential to show jurors you have a sense of humor.

Geoff Hall

It’s great to see you on here, Victor. I hope you make many good connections this weekend.

Maurice Vaughan

It's great to meet you, Victor King. "It is pretty essential to show jurors you have a sense of humor." Sounds like a sitcom. :)

Victor King

The same cognitive test ("Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.") that Trump took was the highlight of my legal career, in 2000. A doctor claimed that his client was entitled to tens of thousands of dollars because he had brain damage caused by my client. Under cross-examination on the witness stand, I asked him to explain and demonstrate the test proving the brain damage. He gave me a list of five items and said failure to repeat the five items back accurately after a few minutes was concrete proof of his client's brain damage. I then asked him about different subjects. After five minutes, I said, “Let me ask you more about that test, the one where you earlier gave me the list of five items — car, boat, tree, flag, and table.” He replied, “You got two of the items wrong.” The judge and jury couldn’t stop laughing. I immediately ended the cross-examination, and then won a defense verdict for my client.

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