Introduce Yourself : Bruce Piekarsky by Bruce Piekarsky

Bruce Piekarsky

Bruce Piekarsky

I have complete writing a one hour TV drama called The Eviction Chronicles. I’m looking to partner up and take this to the next level. I’m new to this. Nice meeting all

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome, Bruce Piekarsky. Just from the title, I wanna see "The Eviction Chronicles"! You can post the project in the logline section of your page. Producers, companies, etc. search the loglines on here. Might lead to something for you.

Bruce Piekarsky

Great thanks. I will do

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Bruce Piekarsky. Did you make the promo (the picture)?

Bruce Piekarsky

Yes with some help

Michele Evans

Looks great! Is the guy a sheriff who evicts tenants or___________?

Bruce Piekarsky

I saw in your bio you like Sci-fi and fantasy. I started another story a marvel type which would take my character four hundred years in the future Called Eviction Chronicles Space Force. The story will be Evicting unwelcome species from planets that they intruding on.

Bruce Piekarsky

He is a Court officer / Constable

Michele Evans

That sounds amazing. I can totally picture it with all the futuristic goodies. Makes me think of Minority Report, one of my favs. Let me know if you need original music for any of your projects, would love to work with you!

Maurice Vaughan

"The story will be Evicting unwelcome species from planets that they intruding on." THAT'S a show I would watch, Bruce Piekarsky!

Michele Evans

How about evicting convicted criminals to other planets and having them interact in those environments? Do they get to come back to earth after they've served their time? How do they communicate with loved ones on earth? How are they housed? Do they live in a hologram environment? Maybe there are alien guards. So many possibilities.

Elizabeth Francois

Hi Bruce, welcome to Stage 32! Have you started on a pitch deck for your script? That's one of the items you'll need at some point to pitch your story.

Bruce Piekarsky

Hi nice to meet you. Yes my pitch deck is complete.

Bruce Piekarsky

Michele. Yes so many possibilities. Your thinking like me. Great stuff

Maurice Vaughan

How are things, Bruce Piekarsky? How's "The Eviction Chronicles" going?

Bruce Piekarsky

Things going good thanks

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Bruce Piekarsky. Are you in the Stage 32 Writers' Room? They have Open Writing Assignments/OWAs ( There might be an OWA you can submit "The Eviction Chronicles" to.

Bruce Piekarsky

Oh that’s great. I will check it out. Thanks.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome. You can get a free month of the Writers' Room by emailing Jason Mirch ( If you can't get in contact with him, GiGi Raines might be able to help. She works alongside Jason in Script Services.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome, Bruce! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

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