Introduce Yourself : Not participating this time around...maybe... by Doug Kayne

Doug Kayne

Not participating this time around...maybe...


Not going to post anything this Introduce Yourself Weekend.

Not going to tell you that I am one-third of the improvisational sketch comedy group Those Four Misfits. Definitely not going to give you the website, Not even going to mention that we have a live show coming up this Friday, 8/26 in North Hollywood.

I'm also not going to say that I'm a member of SAG-AFTRA and WGA. And you won't know that I got into the WGA back in 2000, thanks to my writing a made-for-TV movie for E! Entertainment Television, Romantic Comedy 101.

I'm definitely not going to say that I am a teacher, director, and board member of Joy Theatre. Or that I've been fortunate to work with all sorts of really cool, creative people in short films, web series, and productions on stage.

And you're not going to know that I want to continue to work and collaborate with others, in order to help them achieve success.

Or that I have a full season written on a prospective sci-fi comedy series, which I've written with Jane Hopkins (also in Those Four Misfits).

Nope. You're not going to hear about any of that stuff.

But, I will tell you that I have amazing hair.

Maurice Vaughan

Um, Doug Kayne. I think you did post something for Introduce Yourself Weekend, and I think you did tell us about yourself and your Sci-Fi Comedy series. Haha We talked a while back about "Those Four Misfits." How's it been?

Doug Kayne

Maurice Vaughan Wait...WHAT? I posted something? How did THAT happen?

It's been going okay thus far. Was able to crew on a short film (which was definitely a worthwhile experience, I tell you...) I highly recommend anyone who wants to be in front of the camera be a crew member at least once. Still doing the comedy thing, too, obviously.

How are things going with you?

Maurice Vaughan

How didddd that happen? Haha

Great advice. "I highly recommend anyone who wants to be in front of the camera be a crew member at least once."

Things are fine. Just finished a project today. Working on another project (short script), pitching scripts, and waiting to start some jobs (writing and pitch decks).

Doug Kayne

Nice! Congrats on finishing the project! And good luck in the future with the other stuff you're working on.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Doug Kayne. Much success to you and the team on "Those Four Misfits" and the Sci-Fi/Comedy series.

Doug Kayne

Thanks Maurice Vaughan! Maybe we'll get to work together someday!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Doug Kayne. Looking forward to the collaboration.

Rose G.

Wow! Am I even qualified to comment?

Richard "RB" Botto

Love this post. Every part of it. Well done, Doug.

Tyneckia Lewis

Funny Doug. And I saw nothing.

Doug Kayne

Are you kidding, Rose G.? I'M not even qualified to comment.

Doug Kayne

Thanks, Tyneckia Lewis! It'll be our little secret.

Doug Kayne

Thanks, Richard "RB" Botto. Is the pressure on for next time, now?

David Fritsch

Love it.

Tasha Lewis

Nice way to get us interested.

Doug Kayne

Thanks, Tasha! I guess that's almost the point, right? ;)

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