Screenwriting : The First Draft of My Second Screenplay Is Done!! by Debbie Elicksen

Debbie Elicksen

The First Draft of My Second Screenplay Is Done!!

It's short, very short, much like my first one, but we have to start somewhere, right? After 17 non-fiction books, writing a screenplay is WAY out of my comfort zone, but thanks to Maurice Vaughn and Writer Duet, I have a bit of a mojo going. I kind of like this format. Who knew? Anyway, just had to share. I will take another look at it after the weekend with fresh eyes. It's a story where a young boy meets his hockey hero. Yeah, I never wrote a kids book in my life and now I have two. What the hell has happened to me on this platform? Lol.

Michael David

Good for you, Debbie!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on finishing the first draft of your 2nd script, Debbie Elicksen! Excited to read it. Incredible things can happen when we step outside our comfort zones. Thanks for the shoutout.

Debbie Elicksen

Maurice Vaughan After 4 days on the other side of the country, my goal is to finish the draft by the end of this week. :)

Maurice Vaughan

Hope you had a nice time, Debbie Elicksen. Ok, great! I'm cheering you on!

Matthew Parvin

Congrats, Debbie!

Stephanie McNutt

Way to go!

Debbie Elicksen

Whoo hoo! Just read it a couple more times with revisions. I just shared it with you in Writer Duet, Maurice Vaughan . :)

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Debbie Elicksen. I got your email. I plan to read your script this weekend. I'm working to finish a writing job by tomorrow.

Debbie Elicksen

Maurice Vaughan You are the best. Now I'm chipping away at something a bit bigger for the next two screenplays. I think I've been bitten by some kind of writing bug.

William Schumpert

Formatting is strange. I’ve written several novellas and short stories. Also wrote some screen plays. And the difference between them is night and day. You put in as much detail as possible in a book. But little to no detail in a script to convey the same tone. Madness I say!

Maurice Vaughan

"Now I'm chipping away at something a bit bigger for the next two screenplays." Are they going to be feature scripts, Debbie Elicksen?

Geoff Hall

Debbie Elicksen Debbie, maybe the Universe is trying to tell you something?

Debbie Elicksen

Maurice Vaughan Maybe. That is my aim. :)

Debbie Elicksen

@geoff I think you're right.

Evelyne Gauthier

Congratulations! I know how you feel. Went through the same thing. ;)

Molly Peck

Congratulations Debbie!

Bop Shipman

Congratulations Debbie

Maurice Vaughan

Great, Debbie Elicksen. Are you planning to write micro-budget feature scripts?

Bill Albert

The challenge of doing something new can really make it more exciting. Congratulations.

Christian Nommay

Congratulations, Debbie!

Geoff Hall

Debbie Elicksen Hi Debbie, how long is short? If you get my drift.

Matthew Parvin

Congrats, Debbie!

Debbie Elicksen

Maurice Vaughan I still feel like a newborn at this. I have a couple of fiction stories I wrote a while back that I can flush out into perhaps a film. Because they are already there, it would be good practice to do that. I also have another more personalized fictional story that will be a bit tougher to write...which is the one I really am avoiding. To answer Geoff, the shorts might be one of those 5 to 7 minute fillers or segments.

Maurice Vaughan

Sounds great, Debbie Elicksen. I asked "Are you planning to write micro-budget feature scripts?" because there's a huge market for selling micro-budget feature scripts because they don't cost much to make.

Sam Cochran

Congrats Debbie, big accomplishment!

Debbie Elicksen

Thank you everyone. Warms my heart to have this community's support. :)

Debbie Elicksen

Maurice Vaughan I plan to keep that in mind when I dive in. ;) Especially after seeing some of the Next Level Webinars that discuss it. Also who doesn't love El Mariachi?

Maurice Vaughan

I still have to see "El Mariachi," Debbie Elicksen, but I've heard great things about it.

You emailed me a WriterDuet link. Is that the script you wanted feedback on?

Debbie Elicksen

@mauricevaughan I think you might have already did that. :) For Jordan Meets His Hero? Your help on my other one was so amazing. You are my hero.

Maurice Vaughan

I think I did feedback for "Jordan Meets His Hero," Debbie Elicksen. Sorry, I've been working on so many projects, I don't remember if it was "Jordan Meets His Hero" for sure.

No, I'm not a hero. :)

Debbie Elicksen

Maurice Vaughan lol. Well, you helped me a lot, so there.

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, I'll take that, Debbie Elicksen. :)

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