Introduce Yourself : CEO at FRQNCY Media Group, Producer, Content Creator, Broadcaster for Radio, Podcasting + TV by Jody Lane

Jody Lane

CEO at FRQNCY Media Group, Producer, Content Creator, Broadcaster for Radio, Podcasting + TV

Hello beautiful creative souls! My passion is creating and sharing stories. I have been doing this since 2004 through FMG Network with Radio, Podcasting + TV. I am now in the process of creating audio stories with actors and scripts and also showcasing new emerging artists through my radio station FRQNCY Radio. Looking forward to know more about all of you! Live. Love. Create.

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Jody Lane, and welcome to the community. I wrote a radio script once, but it was wayyyy back. I've been interested in writing radio scripts lately.

Maurice Vaughan

Also, have you thought about putting this post in your bio? You can also add links for FMG Network with Radio, Podcasting + TV and FRQNCY Radio to your page.

Jody Lane

Great to meet you Maurice and thank you! Radio scripts are becoming more popular. many of the radio shows/podcasts that are scripted as a TV show are being picked up by Amazon, Netflix, etc... The beauty of doing an audio show is it is less expensive, and while you are building an audience that proves there is a following to the major networks, it acts as an audio version of a pilot. Love to see one of your scripts!

Jody Lane

Maurice, thank you for the recommendation, I will add this to my bio. Appreciate your advice.

Bop Shipman

Welcome Jody... I hope to learn more about doing radio shows …. it sounds interesting

Vincent Paterno

Best wishes in Paradise as that community bounces back.

Anthony Moore


Shellie Schmals

Hi Jody, so nice to meet you! I’m the Stage 32 Director of Community & would love to direct potential interviewees your way. Is that ok? What kind of artists are you highlighting on your radio show?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jody Lane.

"...many of the radio shows/podcasts that are scripted as a TV show are being picked up by Amazon, Netflix, etc." Sounds like I need to jump in the radio script/podcast game!

I posted a lot of my scripts in the Logline Section of my page (shorts, features, reality TV, and a kids' Animation show). You're welcome to read one. Thanks.

Rosemond Perdue

Welcome! so nice to meet you here. Where can we find your radio shows? Would love to learn more.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Jody - I’m the Director of Education here at Stage 32. If I can ever be of any help on your Stage 32 education journey please email me at Cheers!

Jody Lane

Bop Shipman It really is re-emerging in a big way! You have companies like Amazon buying Wondery and Spotify purchasing and creating audio content around story-telling.

Jody Lane

Vincent Paterno, Thank you for the kind words. It has certainly been a life lesson. I lost my house and recently rebuilt. All we can do is make the most of our time, do the things we love and truly live our life's.

Jody Lane

Thank you Anthony!

Jody Lane

Wonderful to meet you Shellie! Yes, I would love that, thank you! Our mission is to spotlight all creative people. We have been highlighting singers, musicians, poets, etc... I have a radio station with 24/7 music and talk shows. In the process of remodeling main page, but is live.

Jody Lane

Thank you Maurice, I will go look at them.

Jody Lane

Wonderful to meet you Rosemund! Please visit, all the shows and podcasts are there. We are in the midst of rolling out the stories in the next month or so. We've been recording and are in post on many episodes.

Jody Lane

Thank you Sam, appreciate you!

Gerry Nwimo

Love that expression, live love create:) All the best Jody

Vincent Paterno

I've been hospitalized in a rehab center since February of 2031.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for looking at my scripts (whenever you can), Jody Lane. Sorry that you lost your house.

Maurice Vaughan

I hope things get better for you, Vincent Paterno.

Shanoor Ullah

Hi Jody Lane. Great to meet you on here. Ive actually recently started working on developing audio fiction scripts, so would love to chat and possibly get some advice, if you're up for it. Sounds amazing all the things you've done.

Steve Captain

Hello Jody Lane. Great to hear about creating audio stories, especially emerging talent for scripts. I definitely believe new voices, specifically writers must come out ongoing!!

Aaron Marcus

Great connecting here Jody. Sounds like you are doing some very interesting things. Let me know if you are ever looking for a guest to interview. I have been a full-time actor for 36 + years, and have given over 800 workshops and 100 interviews. I love sharing information with those wanting to break into the industry or advance their career. And, I am able to share the realities of the acting and commercial modeling world in an honest and entertaining way.

Jody Lane

Wonderful to meet you Stephanie! Love to listen to your audio clips when you have them. Thank you for checking out, we have more shows launching this fall, in more of a story format.

Jody Lane

Thank you Gerry! My best to you my friend!

Jody Lane

I hope you are recovering well Vincent, wishing you all good things.

Jody Lane

Thank you Maurice. I look forward to reading your scripts.

Jody Lane

Shanoor, happy to look over any script you have. Thank you!

Jody Lane

100% agree Steve Captain! And there are so many mediums for those voices to be heard. Exciting times!

Jody Lane

Great to meet you Aaron Marcus! I will DM you.

Shanoor Ullah

Thanks Jody. It's a work in progress, only have experience in writing visual content until now. Would be great to speak when you're free.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome, Jody! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here. You've got some diversity in your experience and that is awesome!

Aaron Marcus

Looking forward to hearing from you Jody. You can also reach me at:

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Great to know you here in this beautiful network - a warmly welcome! Loving your post!

Sandra Ray

Wow! Fantastic accomplishments! What a perfect name, "FRQNCY" for a radio station. I am new to Stage 32 as well. Welcome!

Solange Ritchie

Looking forward to hearing from you. You can reach me at:

Aaron Marcus

Hi Jody, let me know when you have a minute to talk. Would like to share more information about how I can help and entertain your podcast listeners during an interview.

Jo Gomesh

Nice to meet you Jody! It's so cool that you have a radio station!

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