Trump supporters are doing Nazi salutes and threatening more violence if America doesn't throw out its Constitution to accept bigot's "Christian Nationalism." Meanwhile, Trump ally Vladimir Putin of Russia is slaughtering innocent civilians in Ukraine as part of a larger "Christian" assault on Western democracy. But Trump and Putin aren't Christians; in fact, they're apostles of Antichrist!
My multimedia e-book "Girl with the Bloody Dreadlocks" proves that fact through a suspense thriller with online links to the Bible book of Revelation, to historical documents (including the Mueller Report), and to credible news stories. That book caught the attention of "Tales from the Crypt" producer A.L. Katz, who encouraged me to write related scripts for a proposed streaming series "Ice Cream Warriors." That series is set in a near-future world where phony "Christian Nationalists" are actively building the kingdom of Satan's Antichrist, forcing true Christians, Jews and other good people to combat religious persecution, racial bigotry and other violent extremism.
Jesus Christ separated church and state, unlike Trump and Putin: Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world" and "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." The Bible, John 18:36 and Mark 12:17. In fact, Jesus cited Jewish prophecies from Daniel 7 to predict that Antichrist will merge church and state to corrupt both and to persecute true Christians and Jews (Revelation 13; Matthew 24). So, my stories use the vehicles of suspenseful, romantic fantasy and sci-fi to reveal Biblical and historical truths that are important to saving America and worldwide democracy from religious fanatics and their Fascist allies.
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Welcome, J. Maverick! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.