Distribution : Europa Distribution - new models to entice audiences back to cinemas by Geoff Hall

Geoff Hall

Europa Distribution - new models to entice audiences back to cinemas

This is an interesting article about winning back audiences to cinema after the culture-shock of lockdown.

It reports that there is a split between younger and older audiences, namely that the younger punters were more willing to return to cinemas and the older ones happier to explore online services.

Festivals, it seems, have an easier time of it when enticing audiences back than cinemas do. Cinemas need to create ‘an event’ around a film release, to increase audience potential.

This is something I feel I need to think about for my future releases - yes I’m feeling optimistic about the future. But…how can this be achieved. It seems that this may be adding to the usual scope of film publicists. I think I would welcome this challenge.

In Oslo, an arthouse cinema’s Head of Marketing says that, “the fundamental problem with many cinemas is that they are stuck with old models and an outdated idea of what audiences want and expect.” There is a perceived need to personalise the service through perhaps designing spaces for communal gathering after the film, so that the audience can gather and discuss the film.

There’s much more in this thought-provoking article, but I’ll leave that up to you to discover! Enjoy.


Europa Distribution looks for ways to win audiences off the sofa in Haugesund
Europa Distribution looks for ways to win audiences off the sofa in Haugesund
13/09/2022 - The members of the European distributors network put the focus on building a community around film releases
Dr Samita Nandy

Geoff Hall excellent insight - such a coincidence to read as I post my thoughts on distribution in Europe https://www.stage32.com/lounge/distribution/Inaugural-Wall-of-Fame-Festi... I must add that my film fest turned a cine bar into an immersive space with international streaming options - also a huge added value for locals watching themselves on screen internationally - but, yes, need to turn it into "an event" that locals would like e.g., "dinner event with local music band" that is beyond the scope of a publicist. So far, FB marketing helped initial outreach but word-of-mouth will be key to tapping into building communal gatherings in the long term.

Geoff Hall

Dr Samita Nandy thank you, Samita. I will check out the article. I like the sound of an immersive space.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Geoff Hall Interesting article. It does come from the presumption that cinema is where film exists, and IMO as far as that goes, the commentators miss the glaring truth that audiences have moved on already - which is the purpose for the event in the first place. Their response, as far as it is based on cinema is therefore, IMO misplaced, for the same reason. However, their approaches to promotion are innovative for the day, although they are a step back-to-the-future of independent producing. In the 50s through 80s, before we were locked out of theatrical, independent production and distribution was all about creating an event, and was often very innovative. When cinemas are the only reasonable venue, and you actually had access to release theatrically, this was a reasonable and reliable response. In the world where the MPA was able to keep independent films out of theaters - from roughly 2000 until end of covid - it was impossible. However, with the maturation of the technology, we don't need theaters to reach an audience, and the MPA cartel control over distribution is in the first stages of a total collapse - which seems to be set to include cinemas. In this environment, the promotional event is back. So these people are on the right track, but really have to get with it and understand that cinemas are more of a money suck from their own pockets. (To put it bluntly, why try shore up a for profit industry which gives you absolutely nothing back and which has been in cooperation with the cartel to kill you off?). This is the wave of the future, but streaming is the delivery method. To that end, I keep mentioning the Direct To Audience Network, but in conjunction with that is the release strategy for Eartha Kitt C'est Si Bon being planned by Legio XIII the licensing company. It is going to include special events in cool places, and involve audience participation. Can't say more at this point, but the arrangements for the September 2023 release are already under way and super-advance ticket sales start next week. We'll be posting here on S32 as the production moves forward. But the point is, innovation is the order of the day and marketing is now really down to the producer-distributor - where it once was and always should have remained.

Geoff Hall

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg The Eartha Kitt strategy sounds exciting. It will, I am sure, help us all to have our imaginations sparked into life for our own films. I look forward to you sharing more about this, when time allows. Thanks again for your contribution to the conversation.

Geoff Hall

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg thank you for this. I’m just about to fly back to the UK from NZ, so will check it out when I get home. I’m looking forward to seeing it.

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