Screenwriting : How is your writing going? by Sille Larsen

Sille Larsen

How is your writing going?

Hi guys,

I hope you are all well. Are you sitting in front of your lab top looking at your script or are you about write one?

Tell me how is your writing going? and if there is anything you need help with, ask us all, we are here to help you when you are stuck



Olivia Drake

Hello! Also here to offer some help or perspective on scripts if anyone needs it! As for me, after being in a fog for so long, I’m happy to say that I’m getting back into the swing of things! Out of curiosity, though, how many projects would you say you’re working on at any given time?

Stephanie McNutt

I am hopping between stories. Right now I am ruminating on a couple deep dives for my novel. Hoping to get it on the page soon. You?

Brendan Davis

Very nice post/prompt, thanks. As for me, I had some new insights into how to frame a show I'm prepping to properly pitch, having lately discovered a show that's another great comp (Industry) and working that into my deck. "Writing-adjacent" activity counts, yeah? lol

Craig D Griffiths

I have just discovered that I have a different main character than I first thought. So it will make the rewrite a bit interesting.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

about 50 pages over that past week. I'm almost in machine mode.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Sille Larsen. It was great to see you at the Lounge Crew Meeting. I just finished a writing job, and I have a pitch deck job that I'm working on. Hope your projects and everyone's projects are going great!

Maurice Vaughan

Glad you're getting back into the swing of things, Olivia Drake!

Maurice Vaughan

Congrats on the 50 pages, Phillip!

Roberta M Roy

I used to be able to make impromptu speeches on a dime but since figuring out how to pitch, i write the pitch and then revise it . . . each time there is a new critique . . . to the point I can't get away from the page! Yikes!

Jim Boston

Sille, life just got through happening to me again (a colonoscopy and a car repair this week)...but now, I'm itching to write some new stuff.

I've just completed two plot-points for an "Animal House" spoof, the other for a screenplay designed to pull a gender switch on "The Fabulous Baker Boys." Both budding scripts are comedies set in the present.

Great to hear from you again...wishing you all the VERY BEST!

Amman Mohammed

As a newbie, I am discovering the wonders and terrors of writing dialogue. So I'm saving that for the last.

Sabrina Miller

I’m slogging through the writing process as of late. I’m experiencing reduced motivation (bordering on avolition), making it difficult to consistently produce pages. But I’m trudging through this bad patch, continuing to write pages, albeit not as many as when I was in a better head space. I recently received some positive feedback on one of my scripts, which lifted my spirits somewhat. But the endorphins have since worn off and I’m left wondering when my muse will return from their vacation. There is one silver lining in this rough patch I’m going through: I finally understand the expression, “you have to love writing even when you hate writing.”

Sabrina Miller

Craig D Griffiths, I find myself in a similar situation. A supporting character began upstaging my protagonist early on in the second act and sort of stole the show.

Roberta M Roy

Maybe she/he’s trying to tell you something. Or maybe you’re just on a character development roll.

Maurice Vaughan

Sorry to hear about the colonoscopy and car repair, Jim. Congratulations on completing the plot-points sheets!

Maurice Vaughan

Great to hear you're pushing through the bad patch and continuing to write pages, Sabrina. Hope it gets easier for you. And congratulations on the positive feedback!

Craig D Griffiths

Sabrina, this character was the person whose actions started driving the story. Which is fine. The original main character is now the goal. Bringing about what the main character wants is going to be delivered by the other person.

Sille Larsen

Olivia Drake - Super nice to hear you are here to help as well! - About how many projects I work on it depends, if sometimes I can write 2 different scripts in a day, sometimes I only get to write one page on a script, so it is very much about my brain's idea lol.

Stephanie McNutt My writing is actually going very slow, I have so many other things that have my focus, so haven't been writing for a while, but when I have the time I will get back to the chai latte and the writing!

Craig D Griffiths That sounds interesting! Let me know how that went down!

Maurice Vaughan - So happy to see you as well! - Sounds like you have a lot on your plate! Carry one! See you at the next meeting!

Sille Larsen

@jim - So sorry to hear that! I am sending lots of positive energy your way! - And congrats on finishing your two plot points sheet! - Keep up the good work and stay safe!

Geoff Hall

I’m chilling at the moment and I’m in one of those hiatuses between projects. I need to do a little more research for my mythological world-building, but I was watching a video the other day about screenwriter, William Nicholson and he stressed not to overburden your brain with research, but to understand the point in time that enough is enough.

I’ve also been working on the Pitch Sheet (Deck) for a TV spec script I’ve written. It feels a little like doing project admin!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Sille Larsen. Have an incredible week and see you at the next meeting!

Maurice Vaughan

Are you feeling better, Geoff?

Jim Boston

Sille, thanks a bunch!

Geoff Hall

Maurice slowly but surely, thanks. Results of the MRI are back and I hadn’t had a stroke! Always good to know. They say my body was ‘fighting something’, but they don’t know what. It just closed down for a while. About 30 minutes. I just need to get my energy levels back up then I’ll be ready to go for it.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Geoff. Glad it wasn't a stroke! That's great to hear! Hope you get your energy levels back up and feel better.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan thank you, Maurice. Still not quite there. I spent a heavy afternoon with a Stage 32 webinar on contracts: Producers, Screenwriters, Studios. My head is now full of glue. When I’ve finished it, I’ll write a post about it.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Geoff. I was going to attend Jonathan Heap's writing class yesterday, but I wasn't feeling well. I had to get some rest. Looking forward to the post. Hope you get the glue out your head. :)

Geoff Hall

Maurice I hope you’re feeling better. I have now finished the contracts webinar and will be posting something tomorrow. Lots of great information and such a good teacher.

William Schumpert

Doing better. Getting back on track after being on vacation a few weeks ago. Got some concept art done and have a chapter to write.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Geoff. I'm feeling better. Which contracts webinar did you watch?

Geoff Hall

**Maurice** It was the Thomas Crowell Webinar on Options Shopping Agreements and Attachments. I’ve written a separate post about it. I hope you find it helpful.

Maurice Vaughan

I saw your other post, Geoff. I just ordered that webinar yesterday. Looking forward to watching it and learning more about shopping agreements, options, etc. Those things are vital to a writer. Even if a writer has an entertainment lawyer, they should know about the legal stuff.

Maria Restivo Glassner

@Roberta M Roy I like to break apart my critiques into categories much like how some reviewers do to our work. That way when I keep getting new critiques on revised work, I can still see the trend of what aspects are consistently improving and I can start to see the overall "note within the note". For example the first time I submitted a pitch I received decent marks overall and strong pitch clarity but with notes to improve obstacles and character development. So the next time I pitched I over-focused on that aspect and wound up getting really great marks with obstacles and character but lower marks on clarity than the first pitch. This is only because there are so many working parts. Learning the art of pitching and screenwriting is complex, so don't feel discouraged when you keep getting notes! There are a lot of things to consider and weigh and balance. Each time you are refining and moving in a positive direction even if it doesn't feel that way at first.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan yes, Maurice. Exactly. We have to be savvy about the business and the legal aspects that go with it.

Dan Guardino

Geoff Hall. Glad you are on the road to recovery and that it wasn't a stroke.

Dan Guardino

Nothing exciting going on. I am just rewriting a screenplay for hire.

Geoff Hall

Dan Guardino thanks, Dan. Recovery is irritatingly slow.

Doug Nelson

Geoff - glad to hear that you didn't suffer a stroke. Take it from me, they are the pits.

Geoff Hall

Doug thank you, sir. Your kindness is much appreciated.

Derrick Bozem

Hi and thanks for your advice. You are correct that it is incredibly challenging to locate a reliable online source or content writers. But happily, I struck it lucky and discovered one such recommendation letter service with which I have been collaborating for a while. For the first time, I ordered an essay for my son from this website. He was ill and could not complete his schoolwork. Prior to this, I had little faith in such internet venues and had low expectations. But I was somewhat aback by how well the work was done ahead of schedule.

Julio Torres

Hi Sille! Thanks for asking :D I finished a new animation script a few days ago but right now I'm looking for places to connect with more writers. It's networking time! And the script is on first draft so need to store it for a bit of time before finishing it :)

William Schumpert

Julio I also have a script for an animated film. Albeit a live action/animation R rated feature. Looking to collaborate on some work.

Matthew Parvin

Starting a third draft on my current script. Struggling through, trying to find what works.

Roberta M Roy

Marketing my ten Jolt Suvival Tele Series hour long scripts and my four Jolt features. Any tips?

Pamela White

I've just written my first script. So now I am thinking about script two.

Marvin Younathin

Sille Larsen I've been busy working on my second kids show series book in hopes to start the pilot script soon. It's been really fun and I am happy with how the idea is coming along.

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