Anything Goes : Cost of access by Norman Welthagen

Norman Welthagen

Cost of access

Not trying to drum up controversy. This is just my personal opinion.

Stage 32 has become incredibly expensive. Everything is $35 or more. Webinars, pitches, access to the writing room. If you're someone like me who comes from a country where our currency is 18 to $1, then this content and this access is so far out of reach.

No doubt this website offers so much value through networking, but it feels like they are only catering to a certain affluent type of user these days.

Geoff Hall

Norman Welthagen Hi Norman, it’s not the first time I’ve heard this. I do use the services on this site, but I’m not one of your ‘affluent types’, I just tend to pace myself and save up for the services I need.

Maybe you could make an approach to the management team and let them know of your concerns. Keep me posted. Best Wishes, Geoff

Norman Welthagen

Funny how this post got zero attention

Kiril Maksimoski

Been here circa 2013, but only more active in the last two years...have dozens of connections, had some paid gigs and learned stuff or two - all without giving a dime...

Chime in into screenwriting lounge, you'll get some breakthrough advice at 0% cost...but u wanna engage someone for an actual service...well, I'd charge for that too...

ps; $ here is 1 to 63.54 local currency, so you kinda still on a discount :)

Geoff Hall

Norman Welthagen thanks for calling me a zero. Haha! I’m one of the Stage32 Moderators and I help look after the Screenwriters Lounge. I have raised it with the Moderators and I’m hoping to discuss it at our meeting on Wednesday.

Did you contact the Management Team? What do you think would be a way forward to make Stage32 more egalitarian in its services?

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