Screenwriting : Editing Services via Stage 32 by Tarra Kortekaas

Tarra Kortekaas

Editing Services via Stage 32

Has anyone utilized the editing services offered here at Stage 32 for their screenplay?  I'm in search of an editor for my first full-length feature before putting it out there to readers. Thank you for any feedback/advice!

GiGi Raines

Hi Tarra, nice to meet you! Happy to help. Are you looking for proofreading and structural formatting notes first? You can get it reviewed here by a script editor:

Let me know if that's what you're looking for! Cheers, GiGi

Tarra Kortekaas

Hi GiGi, nice to meet you. Yes, first I was looking for proofreading and structural formatting notes before sending out for notes. Thanks for the advice.

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