Screenwriting : Seeking Thriller/Horror Scripts by Alejandro Guimoye

Alejandro Guimoye

Seeking Thriller/Horror Scripts


Seeking contained feature length thriller and horror scripts.

• Character and story driven.

• 2-5 locations

• Minimal cast

• $250-$500K budget range.

We are also open to writer's for hire or collaborations if interested in joining our creative team.

Please send over log-line and 1 page synopsis/brief to and we will reply requesting script(s) from those we think would be a good fit.

Thank you,


Maurice Vaughan

I don't have any scripts in that budget range, Alejandro Guimoye, but let's work together in the future. You can also post this in the Job Section.

Claudia Hoag McGarry

Alejandro, I just sent you a logline and synopsis of my thriller, Rain. Thank you so much.


Kiril Maksimoski

2-5 indoor/outdoor? I've got script happening like 85% outdoor (limited locations) think "Fall" meeting "Wolf Creek"...

Bill Albert

Sounds good. I'll send you one I tried to actually produce. I set up a Gofundme campaign but couldn't make it work.

Alejandro Guimoye

Thanks Maurice Vaughan I appreciate the invite and heads up about the Job Section. Cheers!

Alejandro Guimoye

Thank you Claudia Hoag McGarry !

Alejandro Guimoye

Thanks @Kiril Maksimoski and Bill Albert!

GJ Harvey

Thanks Alejandro Guimoye for the opportunity. OK to include a Pitch Deck? Got a contained horror, Nicholl Top 10%.

Kristal Fleming

I have one called "The Forgotten Room". That might a great one. It's between 4 characters (2 supporting) all take place in one area. It's driven by one bad decision. I don't know if this hits the spot.

Dan MaxXx

Whats the buyout amount for a script in your $250,000-$500,000 budget?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Alejandro Guimoye.

Alejandro Guimoye

Thank you GJ Harvey and yes, please include pitch deck. Cheers!

Alejandro Guimoye

Thanks Kristal. Please submit.

Alejandro Guimoye

Hey Dan. Depends on a few factors but somewhere between $5-$20

K +3%NPF. Thanks!

Debbie Croysdale

@Alejandro My feature Horror scripts (that are not already sponsored) are in progress but I’d like to learn more about your creative team to possibly hook up for future projects. I also write a lot of shorts EG Takes place solely in cafeteria of a train and toilet opposite.(One external location on commuters laptop.)

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Alejandro Guimoye. Are you looking for Thriller/Horror scripts (a genre mix) or separate genres?

Billy Kwack

Hi Alejandro, when do you need it by?

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