Screenwriting : ARTICLE: "Six Tips for Rewriting" by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

ARTICLE: "Six Tips for Rewriting"

If you're rewriting a script (or about to), check out these rewriting tips.

Do you have any tips for rewriting? If you do, comment below. They might help other writers rewrite their scripts.

InkTip - Six Tips for Rewriting
InkTip - Six Tips for Rewriting
Your first draft is complete. Little did you know, you're just getting started.
Sabrina Miller

Maurice, thanks for posting the link to this article. What I found most useful was the part about limiting the number of readers who provide feedback on your script in order to reduce the chances of receiving contradictory notes.

As far as my own advice on rewriting, I doubt I could offer up any insightful nuggets of wisdom that haven't already been espoused over the years.

Niki H

Sabrina Miller Don't discount your own experiences! And remember this community is made up of all types of writers, what may seem basic or trivial can be new building blocks for others. Besides that, for me, it never hurts to be reminded of core tenants especially when I'm stuck.

Sam Sokolow

This is a terrific article. Thanks, Maurice!

If anyone would like any recommendations on Stage 32’s screenwriting eduction please email me directly at


Sabrina Miller

Thank you Niki Hayes for reminding me not to be so dismissive of my own experiences.

Don Finklea Jr

Maurice, thanks for sharing this. Good stuff!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sabrina Miller. Niki H is 100% right. I'm sure you have things and writing tips to share that I (and others) don't, Sabrina. :)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Don Finklea Jr. What projects are you working on?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sam Sokolow. If I think of any recommendations, I'll definitely email you.

Maurice Vaughan

Sam Sokolow James Heather had this question on a post: "so I'm the person that the true story is all about. An excellent screenplay has been written about me and I have the IP rights. What would anyone suggest is the next best thing to do?" (

Do you know any webinars or classes that could help him?

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