Introduce Yourself : Hi! by John Noel

John Noel


Hi everyone! My name is John Noel and I'm a filmmaker based in NYC. Here to meet fellow filmmakers, and maybe even find a writer to work with! I'm currently wrapping up my 2nd dance film "Astraphene" and after that I'm going to be looking for a short script to produce. Something fun, funny, light-hearted, and uplifting is what I'm interested in, but I'm totally open to new ideas. Let's chat!

Richard "RB" Botto

You're in the right place and with great company, John. Fantastic to have you in the community. Very much looking forward to your contributions here.

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, John Noel. There are tons of talented writers on here. You can check the Screenwriting Lounge (, the Job Section (, and the Browse Section (

You can find short scripts here:

I'm looking forward to collaborating with you in the future!

Shellie Schmals

Hi John Noel - lots of great ways to connect here, and I noticed you've been a Stage 32 member for a while! Happy to see you stepping into your own spotlight!

Jon Shallit

I have your short script. Add me.

Tim Bragg

Welcome. I love the advertising for John Noel productions. I have a project that you might like, it is lighthearted, fun, no budget, one day shoot, one person cast called the key, it is on my site to view.

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