Introduce Yourself : Game by Neha Srivastava

Neha Srivastava


Happy to share that our short film, ‘Game’ was a finalist, at Independent shorts, Los Angeles in two categories- Original Story and Best micro. We made this film in 600 dollars. The actors and Co director are my friends. My 16 year old son is the cinematographer, colourist and editor.

 I was getting impatient as no one else was producing my scripts despite the fact that between all five of them, they have got 28 international awards, including a Remi. So I decided to produce one short one myself. So happy. So sharing. Now I feel complete as a writer, first time director and producer.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on "Game" winning Original Story and Best Micro, Neha Srivastava! Congratulations to your son, your friends, and everyone involved!

Neha Srivastava

Thanks Maurice

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Neha Srivastava. Are you working on any more films?

Neha Srivastava

Yes only short films

Maurice Vaughan

Ok. What genres are your short films?

Neha Srivastava

Human relations

Maurice Vaughan

That sounds great, Neha Srivastava. Did you already start filming one?

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Neha! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Neha Srivastava

Thanks Mathew, yes Maurice filming my second shot now, which is also an award winning one

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Neha Srivastava. How is the filming going?

Neha Srivastava


Maurice Vaughan

That's great, Neha Srivastava. You can post your short films in the Video/Audio Section of your profile. That's a way to get more eyes on your films.

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