Introduce Yourself : Zuzi Fort by Zuzana Fort

Zuzana Fort

Zuzi Fort

I'm still here, still trying, still moving forward (albeit zigzagging) ... one step at a time... hoping to connect with like-minded creatives who understand the journey we are all on... Feel free to connect and chat!

Robert Macfarlane

Zuzana Fort So glad to hear you are moving the needle forward even with a ZigZag. I would say a zig zag is a better way to get somewhere as you will get to see and do things you never expected.

What are you working on at the moment?

Zuzana Fort

You are so right. My zigzagging led me into performing physical theatre, doing stunts, working as a TV presenter and director of huge productions that involved working with refugees, kids at risk and abused women and even working with special needs kids... it has been quite a ride and so rewarding. I even started teaching and found that it has made me into a better actor, a better writer and a better person, and a better mum to my kids.

As for what I'm working on, right now, I am actively working on finding acting work (it's been too long, and I need my ''thespian fix'), but I am also focusing on my feature and pilot. The feature is a revenge thriller that is partially based on my experience and that of some close friends. It is something, the scenarios/plot, that we have all imagined doing at one point. As for the pilot, that is a 1-hr dramedy inspired by my life as a single mum of two girls and living with my mum, so three generations of women under one roof. (Even the two dogs are females.)... How about you? What's in the pipeline for you?

Maurice Vaughan

It sounds like you've been on quite the adventure, Zuzana Fort. I would watch that Dramedy (three generations of women and two female dogs under one roof). :D

Zuzana Fort

Yes, it certainly would be fun watching it... though, sometimes not so much fun living it. I am sure, you can well imagine what it must be like... at least it's never boring.

Maurice Vaughan

Your comment reminds me of a sitcom I was going to write, Zuzana Fort. It's about my four hilarious aunts. :D

Maeve ThunderChild

Hi, Zuzana Fort -- I wish you vast amounts of sound amazing.

Zuzana Fort

Thanks so much, I try to but there are times when I do feel my age, but my kids keep me young.

Zuzana Fort

And you can imagine, with an all-female household, the talking NEVER stops... my daughters even talk in their sleep!

Babatunde Ehimai

Hi Zuzi, it's a pleasure meeting you. Keep up the energy.

Zuzana Fort

A pleasure too... and yes, I will, that's all I can do, all I know... go hard or go home (but be smart about it)....

Maurice Vaughan

"the talking NEVER stops... my daughters even talk in their sleep!" Haha Zuzana Fort :D That's a great scene for your Dramedy!

Robert Macfarlane

Zuzana Fort sounds awesome! I would love to know more about the Revenge thriller if you have a synopsis or one pager at all? DM if you want to discuss

Zuzana Fort

Thanks for all the lovely feedback, and I will definitely DM you... always happy to chat and compare notes... Cheers!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Zuzana Fort.

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