OTT & Transmedia : Turning an Award-winning Screenplay into Graphic Novel by Tom Freyer

Tom Freyer

Turning an Award-winning Screenplay into Graphic Novel

Hi everybody! The script has been optioned three times, to produce in China, based on an actual character in 19th Century China, but the state film board is too dictatorial, and investors feel more comfortable if some IP exists. So I'm converting my Final Draft script, which was a Winner, Finalist or Semi-Finalist in several of the top True Story and other screenplay competitions, into a Graphic Novel (it's fairly easy in FD 11). I'm close to choosing an artist to execute the cover and 12-15 pages, at which point I'll either crowd-fund for the remainder of the funds on Kickstarter or begin to approach publishers.Anyone here have experience or expertise in this process? Many thanks!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on SHAOLIN WOLFMAN being optioned three times, Tom Freyer! And congratulations on being a Semi-Finalist, Finalist, and Winner! The cover looks great!

"I'll either crowd-fund for the remainder of the funds on Kickstarter or begin to approach publishers. Anyone here have experience or expertise in this process?" You can post this question in the Financing/Crowdfunding Lounge (

Shellie Schmals

Tom Freyer - what a really interesting story! I can see why its getting so much attention. Here's an article I found on the subject >>

There are a lot of talented artists here at Stage 32, have you looked in our Animation Lounge yet?

Keep us posted!

Debbie Elicksen

That's very cool. What an epic cover. I love repurposing content.

Elaine Haygood

I'm currently adapting a screenplay into a Graphic Novel. I'm doing all my art, etc., to save money as artists aren't cheap.

This link is to an article that explains what artists in the Comics Industry make

Hope that helps.

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