Introduce Yourself : Clarence Sharpe - Writer / Hopeful TV Writer - 1st AD by Clarence Sharpe

Clarence Sharpe

Clarence Sharpe - Writer / Hopeful TV Writer - 1st AD

Hey there everyone! My name is Clarence Sharpe and I am very new to Stage 32 but I've been working in Film & TV production for the past 20 years. Native to NY but I've spent time in LA as well. It took a while for me to come (kind of) out of my shell but here I am! I have two specs I've been selectively sharing and I am working on the next two. Hoping to make some great connections and share whatever experiences I can in hopes that they'll help others as well.


Babatunde Ehimai

Hi Clarence, it's good to have you. Welcome on board .

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Clarence Sharpe. I would say, "Great to meet you," but it turns out we already know each other on Twitter. :)

Hakim Kisakye

welcome home, nice and great to meet you Sharpe

Leoni Amandin

Nice to meet you Clarence!

Clarence Sharpe

Thanks for the welcome! It's always nice to be embedded amongst the creative community after hiding in a creative hole for so long. Glad to be here.

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