Filmmaking / Directing : Goals by Roy Tunnell

Roy Tunnell


What's everyone working this week?

Roberto Dragonne

On a crime-thriller script. What about you Roy?

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Roy. How are you? What are you working on?I'm working on a rewriting job, and I'm about to start on a commercial writing job and a feature writing job.

Anthony John Orlando

I'm working on revising my social horror screenplay, THE SHADOWS.

Amy Jayne Conley

Hi, Roy! I'm working on an animated series episode/outlines, and some storyboard for it, too! Also, I'm trying to finalise/figure out the plot points for a boxing idea I had, so I can hopefully start to draft it during my christmas holidays! How about you? What are you working on??

Leonardo Ramirez

Plugging away on a kids animation pilot. Having fun with it as well.

Babatunde Ehimai

I'm working on completing my Action/Horror/Supernatural feature length screenplay, "A Chapter For Retribution".

Brandon Glenn

I'm currently writing two original screenplays. One is a thriller/horror. Kind of my own spin on a detective story. The other is a crazy thriller/drama/slasher/action hybrid about two guys in a truck. There's alot more to it but I'd hate to spoil the fun.

Julia Warren

hoping to catch up on my mixed animation/live adaptation of Poe's The Raven. I built the basic (mini)stage set, still need to add in more props (chimney/fireplace), sofa etc.

Stephanie Munch

I'm working on my next horror screenplay - and completing the screenplay for a drama/supernatural series - there's so much to do! And of course take some time off and watch soccer ^^

Eric McKeever

Editing my latest draft of a Murder Mystery/Revenge feature.

Brywn Philips

Hi Roy, what are you working on this week? I'm re-reading my Sci -Fi feature before I write the last few scenes...not sure why I'm hesitating as I know how it ends, but feel the need to regroup before the finish!

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