Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter/Musician by Andy Flennoy


Hi, everyone,

My name is Andy and I'm a budding screenwriter with current interest in writing horror and sci-fi adventure. I've been a member of Stage32 for the past year and a half but just recently have gotten serious about writing. My other interest is music composition and arranging where most of my experience has been. I'm happy to be a part Stage32 and its membership. I've seen a great many posts of people who have experiences all over the creative writing spectrum and hope to gain some knowledge from them.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Andy! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Stephanie Munch

Nice to meet you here Andy - again so many multiple talented people here, I feel behind !

Maurice Vaughan

Great to see you again, Andy Flennoy. :) Sci-Fi Adventure! Wow, that's a great combination!

Andy Flennoy

NIce to meet you one and all!

Richard "RB" Botto

Your energy is palpable, Andy. Thrilled to have you in the community.

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