Introduce Yourself : 8 Year filmmaker by Cameron E Grimm

Cameron E Grimm

8 Year filmmaker

My name is Cameron Grimm and I own 3 film companies in East Central Indiana. I have been doing film for about 8 years now and been in the entertainment industry for now over 10 years. My dream had always been to make films. Yet, I was always labeled a dreamer because film just didn't happen in Indiana or even most of the Midwest. When I graduated high school in 2001, I was set to go to the New York Film Academy to make my dream a reality. Yet, September 11th happened and for me the right thing to do was to join the United States Navy. I did my 4 years and was accepted into the Los Angeles Film School, but another event happened that took me off my path. I married my wife and started a family. in 2012 I started a big music festival in New Castle, IN but after 4 years we decided to close it. That was when I revisited the dream of making film and decided to jump headfirst.

When I started this dream, I would have never believed my directorial debut and companies first film would be for Stephen King but that was oddly how everything started. The press got a hold of my story and many podcast and radio shows had me on as guest. Now, I was content with this being my only film when I finished the Stephen King film. I made a movie. Cross that off my bucket list. Yet, the momentum pushed me into now having 3 film companies and working on many different projects. Now looking back, I would have never been content with just one. I love everything about film making.

8 years later we are now a multi award winning film company and as I am multi winning filmmaker on multiple projects. 2 years ago, during covid, I decided to get my degree in Digital Cinematography to go with my experience from Full Sail University. Finally, it took 3 tries to make it to film school and now I graduate in March of 2023. While at Full Sail I have been told I am top of my class with a 3.8 GPA and was inducted into the National Society of Collegiate Scholars.

I guess you can say I never wanted to live a life ordinary. The journey is forever crazy and amazing. I currently have 50+ full feature film ideas with backbones to write out to be made. All tested on small test groups that loved them. Every day I realize more and more that film is what I was destined for.

On a side note, I love networking with people and connecting. We learn from each other. We push each other. Together we make amazing projects and art. Feel free to reach out to me. Who knows maybe one day we work together on something amazing.

During covid we expanded to 3 companies launching SteelBridge Entertainment and Spook House Entertainment. They are just now starting to get off the ground.

5 After 5 Studios
5 After 5 Studios
Welcome to 5 After 5 Studios. We are film, television and commercial company located in East Central Indiana.
Shellie Schmals

Hi Cameron E Grimm - so nice to meet you and thank you for your service to our country. It's a very selfless act and I'm glad you found your way back to filmmaking. How did you get connected with Stephen King? And can you share a link to the film? Would love to see it!

Maurice Vaughan

Thank you for your service, Cameron E Grimm. Congratulations on your directorial debut and your company's first film being for Stephen King! I follow him on Twitter. He's my buddy, but he doesn't know it yet. Haha Congratulations on all of your success and hope you have much more on Stage 32.

Cameron E Grimm

Shellie Schmals I heard years ago that he was looking for people to make some of his short stories into films. I emailed and reached out how I wanted to film The Man Who Loved Flowers (there were a few others that I wanted to do more but wasn't in the right location or had an effect that I didn't think I could pull off). Anyways I told him it had been my dream to make movies and I put together a company that was full of the same dreamers. That want to make films but was always told couldnt because we live in Indiana. It was a crazy a week later I got an email back saying we were green lit to film once contract was signed and sent back. Due to contract though we are not allowed to put it online. He is in full control of what happens with it. I was told that the dvd sits on a shelf in his office. Which I think is really cool.

Cameron E Grimm

Maurice Vaughan Thank you I was in shock when I got the email to film it. It was an amazing experience. The city we filmed it in loved us doing it there. I remember one night we were filming, and word got out. We had people sitting in the windows of third story buildings watching. Had people booking reservations at a nearby restaurant patio that could some from there. A ton of businesses let us film inside, restaurants brought us food, flower shop donated flowers, local children's theater let us use their flower cart from a production, the hospital let us use an office. It was an amazing experience. We filmed a baseball scene and my DP and Sound guy had been doing this for a while. They thought I would have just a few ball players out for the scene. Yet, response was so high we had 2 full teams, the stands full of extras, players outside practicing. Even some in a diamond nearby. My sound guy worked for Miramax for about 5 years and my Executive Producer worked for PBS years ago and wanted to do a project again.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Cameron E Grimm. Wow, that sounds like it was an incredible experience! It's like the whole city turned out for your film! :D

Congratulations on owning three companies! Will they each produce certain genres?

Cameron E Grimm

Maurice Vaughan So, during covid we decided to take the down time and make a positive. 5 after 5 studios would become an umbrella company and have other companies under it like a record label. So, 5 after 5 Studios focuses on company management, distribution, PR and Marketing. Where SteelBridge Entertainment makes films of any genre and Spook House Entertainment is focused more on Sci Fi, Thrillers and Horror. This allows us to be ready more in the future and make more films at once. It also allows my kids who want to take over one day to have control to each have their part. We are just setting up for the future. Having a solid foundation. This also allows us to go much bigger. We have a few companies wanting to come under 5 After 5 Studios. Yet, this allows us to have more than production companies, but bring in sound companies, music companies, visual effects companies and more to work together in house creating even bigger independent films for all to enjoy.

Maurice Vaughan

That sounds like a great strategy, Cameron E Grimm! I think it's really smart that you created 5 after 5 Studios with room for growth.

I can tell by the name Spook House Entertainment that the company's focused on Sci-Fi, Thrillers, and Horror. :) Micro-budget and low-budget movies?

Wamala Allan Peter

Hello I have a movie script am selling and I would love to share it to you but I don’t have any agent to help me out it’s entitled POLITICAL TRAGEDY, I kindly request for your help

Wamala Allan Peter

I was given a free month in writer’s room but I don’t know how it works.

GiGi Raines

HI Cameron, you have an incredible story. Thank you for sharing your journey in the film world with us. I am a firm believer in going for your dreams, and your career is proof that you can do anything when you follow your passion. Congratulations on all of your success! And WOW, Stephen King?? So cool!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Wamala Allan Peter. There are a lot of resources in the Writers' Room. Here are a few of the resources:

Webcasts: You can watch free webcasts as a Writers' Room member.

Pitch Practices: These are Zoom video meetings. You can listen to people pitch, which can help you learn how to pitch. You can also sign up to pitch a script.

Open Writing Assignments:

Writers' Room Lounge: This is a special Lounge just for Writers' Room members. You can make posts in the Lounge, comment on people's posts, ask questions about different topics, and find a lot of great resources (

You can read about all of the Writers' Room resources here:

If you still have questions about the different resources, check the FAQ Section on the Writers' Room page, contact, or ask one of us.

Jamie Isolini

Trying to start a film company in Iowa. You're an inspiration sir.

Wamala Allan Peter

Thank you man

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Wamala Allan Peter.

Cameron E Grimm

Mark Deuce Thank you

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