Writer, Producer, Director. I write every day on scripts and other passion projects. I"m a filmmaker from the Midwest, Des Moines, Iowa to be specific. I lived in Los Angeles for 9 months back in 2019. Made it home before this pandemic ruined everything but I've been writing the entire time. Wanting to get to filming and get people back together. I love collaborating and working with other filmmakers wherever I am. I struggled and didn't make it in Los Angeles but I"m driven and motivated to make it back and work on films. Feel free to chat and start a collaboration with me! Look forward to meeting and working with new people.
What is your emergency? Budget: $0 - $100K | Documentary The most thankless job in the world. What the amazing men and women that work in dispatch go through to get you the help you need.
Homecoming Budget: $100K - $1M | Drama ⋄ Adventure Group of old high school friends plan a road trip to see their friend coming back from military service overseas.