Screenwriting : Verbal Pitch by Jeelan Syed

Jeelan Syed

Verbal Pitch

I have the following questions regarding a verbal pitch with an executive. 1) Do you get only 5 or 8 mins to pitch? 2) Do you have to or need to present a pitch deck on your screen or can simply pitch the script verbally? 3) Does the executive provide feedback right away in the call or do they get back later? The biggest challenge of a written pitch is that the conversation is one-way and only once. Whatever questions the executive has regarding your pitch, they do get to ask but you don't have a chance to respond to it, not even once. So is this not an issue in a verbal pitch?

Molly Peck

Hi Jeelan, if you shoot an email to we can help answer these questions!

Sam Mannetti

Hi Jeelan, to quickly answer your questions. Your pitch should be 5 min long. There is no requirement to have a deck you can simply verbally pitch if you'd like. The feedback is provided after the pitch session but the live pitches do allow for a few questions after the 5 min pitch is over and before the Executive's next slot. As Molly suggested, if you write into we can provide more clarification if needed. Hope this helps!

Jeelan Syed

Thanks, Molly/Sam. I think I'm good.

Bill Albert

Sam covered everything you really need to know. Try and leave a moment or two in the pitch to see if they have any questions for you. The response usually takes a week or so. Occasionally some will take longer.

John James

Good questions. Guess it's on an individual basis.

Ewan Dunbar

Sam has covered how it works. Before your verbal pitch I’d always suggest practicing it several times beforehand. This way you can go into your pitch knowing how you want to hit the crucial pieces of information and that you can deliver it in the time allowed. This will help you confidently deliver your pitch which is always good to see.

Jeelan Syed

Thanks! All. Appreciate your comments.

Jeelan Syed

I agree with that M LaVoie but one significant advantage over verbal pitching is when the Executive has a fundamental question you get a chance to answer it Vs in written there is no such opportunity.

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