Hi everyone! My name is Emily Bertels and I'm and actor and screenwriter! I live in Oklahoma and the acting world seems be in a bit of a lull for me, so I have taken this time to focus on my writing. Since I'm here in OK, the #1 piece of advice I receive is "create your own content". So that's what I've been doing! I have an action/comedy feature script all done and ready to go. I have a TV pilot, and multiple features down the pipeline as well.
I definitely have scripts I'm willing to sell to production companies (hopefully!), but there are other I'm hoping to get produced so I can make/star in them as well. If only movies weren't so expensive, am I right?!
Anywho...just wanted to introduce myself and hopefully make good connections and friends here! Any advice would be lovely! :)
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Nice to meet you, Emily Bertels. I think it's a great idea to write your own scripts so you can star in them! :)
"If only movies weren't so expensive, am I right?!" Have you thought about writing a micro-budget Contained script? Something that can be made for $100,000? Or $15,000-$50,000?
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Hi Maurice! I actually have thought about that! A good friend of mine is currently making a short that's a micro-budget. The few scripts down my pipeline could fall under that budget. The one I'm in love with may require a bigger one though lol. Isn't that how it always works?
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That's how it works, Emily Bertels. I've heard about (and seen) directors starting with micro-budget shorts, then moving on to bigger budget feature films.
I mainly write micro-budget Contained short scripts and feature scripts. There's a big market for micro-budget scripts because producers and production companies have the resources to make them.
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I'm about 45 pages into my 2nd feature that would fall under that category! So I'll definitely put more time and attention into that one!
Do you write for a certain genre or a variety of genres?
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Hi Emily! Nice to meet you! I’m in the same boat as you, trying to network with others, but I don’t have a huge repertoire of scripts to sell yet!
Congratulations on getting to 45 pages, Emily Bertels!
I mainly write Thriller, Horror, Sci-Fi, and Fantasy, but most of my scripts are mixed genres. Are all of your scripts going to be Action/Comedy?
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Welcome Emily! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.