Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter, Producer, Once-upon-a-time director & actor by Maria Rose Doctor

Maria Rose Doctor

Screenwriter, Producer, Once-upon-a-time director & actor

Hello, everyone. I hope this finds you in good health and good spirits!

A poet, dancer & actor in a past life, and a narrative director-producer in another, I found my way to documentary filmmaking and nonprofit communications. I have found great purpose in it, and it's fit my recent needs/personal stage of life. But you can't ever forget your first love. And for me, that's film. All the hope, wonder, catharsis, joy, and beauty that films have brought to my life. (TV too at times.) And that's why I've pivoted back to narrative storytelling--possibly for good.

The feature screenplay I wrote the last few years, with my collaborators Marion M. Jones and Ta'Sha Douglas, has been a labor of love. We've each grown a lot. But there have been a fair amount of distractions along the way--major health challenges, financial challenges, and--the biggest one of all--doubt. Doubting myself--my abilities--and that my efforts matter. But as I turned another year this weekend, I feel compelled--perhaps even called upon--to renounce that doubt and fear, fueling procrastination, and announce that I'm finally birthing this child...for my inner child--and all those out there who need inspiration to try at all, as well as try again.

Despite the script not yet being in perfect shape (after many rounds of revisions and professional coverage), we have scheduled our first virtual table read for February 20th. "Progress, not perfection."

I'm telling Little Maria that she is enough, she's allowed to ask for all the help she needs, and she's even allowed to shine again. Not that the light comes from me, mind you... I'm accepting the possibility that I will fall flat on my face, but I will not proceed without fear, because the cost of not trying at all is simply too great.

Jeannie Johanna

Cast that doubt away, Maria! Bring in an abundance of your certainty. Albert Einstein once said, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Good luck with your table read. Imagine it going super well before it begins and experience it as so. : )

Maurice Vaughan

Inspiring post, Maria Rose Doctor!

"Progress, not perfection." Yes. Your script doesn't need to be in perfect shape going into a table read. The table read will help you, Marion, and Ta'Sha make the script better (no script is perfect).

I hope the table read goes great! And that's a big guitar! :D

Emily J

Hi Maria Rose Doctor! Congrats on the table read! Don't stress about how many revisions you do (a script is never REALLY done - especially in an age where even the classics get rebooted). Make sure you let us all know how it goes!

Maria Rose Doctor

Thank you, everyone! So encouraging and helpful.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Maria Rose Doctor.

Stephanie Munch

You've got this! Let us know about how it goes

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