Introduce Yourself : New Kid on the Block by Mckinley Williams

Mckinley Williams

New Kid on the Block

Hello! My name is Mckinley Williams I'm a screenwriter new to the community currently in pre production of a short film I wrote with the goal of submitting it to the Austin film festival. I hope to meet and connect with like minded creatives such as myself on this app to elevate one another in our goals. 

Lisa Penner Dang

Welcome McKinley. Congratulations on your short. What do you like to write? I write dark comedy, Rom-Com, Animation, Horror and working on a true life story.

Mckinley Williams

Thank you Lisa! I like to write psychological horror, science-fiction, crime, and supernatural stuff. What is your true life story based on?

Julia Warren

Hi Mckinley and welcome to the block! And congrats on your short film! What genre is it?

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Happy navigating!

Mckinley Williams

Thank you Julia I appreciate the links! It's going to be a psychological horror film

Julia Warren

Oh cool, I like writing supernatural, mysteries, ghost tales. How long is it?

Mckinley Williams

Thats cool I like me a ghost/supernatural story especially! It'll be about 13 minutes. Are you currently writing anything?

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Mckinley Williams.

Luca Mannea

Hey mate, welcome on Stage 32! :)

Niki H

Hi Mckinley, it's nice to meet you! Welcome. I love psychological horror though I do feel like it's been veering into the "bizarre for the sake of bizarre" territory lately with the larger films. Are you writing and directing your film?

Karen "Kay" Ross

Welcome! And congratulations on your pre-production! Let us know how it goes! Are you directing the short film as well?

Sydney S

Welcome to the community :)

Mckinley Williams

Niki H Thank you nice to meet you as well! And yes I wrote it and will be co-directing so I'm very excited to try my hand at directing once we start filming

Mckinley Williams

Thank you Karen I'll definitely keep you all updated! I will be co-directing it I'm really looking forward to the experience

Ralph Patterson

I am energized by the possibilities within this community and I think you will be as well!

Julio Caro

Hello Mckinley, Thanks for letting us know about yourself, Nice to meet you here, :)

Crystel Germaine Clarke

Nice to meet you

Sam Sokolow

It’s great to meet you here, Mckinley! I’m the Director of Education here at Stage 32. If I can ever be of any help on your Stage 32 journey or recommend any of our education for you please email me at

Sam Mannetti

Welcome to Stage 32 McKinley! Have you tried out the Writers Room yet? Fantastic resource as you begin your screenwriting journey. Email me at and we can provide you with a free month.

Matthew Anthony Williams

Welcome Mckinley Williams !! Can't wait to hear more about your short film.

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