Hello everyone! I’m Isabella (23) located in Brisbane, Australia. I’m experienced in acting, directing, stage managing, SFX makeup and creative writing. I graduated UQ with a bachelor’s in Writing with a double minor in Film and Drama. I currently volunteer as a camera operator and live-stream director. I’m interested in work around acting, crew work and assistant work. I also have a great passion for painting and do body building on the side. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
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This is one tremendous IY post, Isabella. Thrilled to have you and your talents in the community.
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Welcome to the community, Isabella Rix. You can search for acting jobs, crew jobs, and assistant jobs in the Job Section (www.stage32.com/find-jobs).
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Hi Isabella Rix - nice to meet you! You should connect with Zuzi Fort, she's an actor/stunt performer in Brisbane too! Here's the first of three blogs Zuzi wrote about getting into the business >>
and her profile >> https://www.stage32.com/zuzifort
She's amazing and can provide you with a lot of guidance.
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Thank you for sharing! I love all of your different passions, interest and hobbies. Excited to have you in our community Isabella :-)
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Great to meet you, Isabella. Welcome to the community! I’m the Director of Education here at Stage 32. If I can ever be of any help on your Stage 32 journey or recommend any of our education please email me directly at edu@stage32.com.
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Hi Isabella! That’s awesome. What department are you wanting workin for crew work?