Introduce Yourself : Hi all ... by Wendy Wilkins

Wendy Wilkins

Hi all ...

I just completed my first feature which I wrote and directed and it has received distribution and accepted into the first screenplay competition I entered. I started out as an actress later in life after being a cop and realtor as growing up the creative arts was not considered a career in my family! Though someone told me what you play at as a child is your calling "so to speak" and I put on shows for my grandfather, but I charged him an entry fee at 7 years old. I began creating my own work because I wasn't getting a lot of auditions etc... so here we are! My feature is called Alone Today

Walter Morgan

CONGRATULATIONS! You are to be exalted for making your first feature film, getting ALONE TODAY distributed, and honoring your grandfather who encouraged and loved you. The world is now a better place because of you and the love of your grandfather.

DeAndrea Dorsey

Congratulations, Wendy! I wish you much success on your new film! I bet it was an amazing feeling seeing your work to going from on paper to film.

Bev Irwin

Congratulations, Wendy. So exciting. I hope I get to see it.

John Clive Carter

Well done! And I always enjoy Eric Roberts' work. Hope to see this.

Alva Lewis-Johnson

Congratulations, Wendy!! This is such an inspiration to others and a beautiful way to honor your grandfather!! Great cast as well!!

Joanna Murphy

Congratulations! That's an amazing achievement. Where did you learn to direct?

Maurice Vaughan

Big congratulations on "Alone Today" being accepted into your first screenplay competition and getting distribution, Wendy Wilkins!!! :D Where will it be available to watch?

Stephen Folker

Congrats Wendy. Where will your film be available to see?

Matt Vucic

Congrats Wendy

Paulo Ruvalcaba

This is awesome! Congratulations!

Nathan Woodward

Oh my Goodness! The biggest congratulations to you in the world! You have to tell us where we can see it so we can support you! It's a lot of hard work to wear that many hats. You should be really proud of yourself!!!!

Dean Cummings


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