Hi everyone! Finally introducing myself on the platform:)
I'm a very new screenwriter, working on my first TV pilot, a coming of age comedy. I'm based in the UK, originally from France, and have been writing fiction for a while. Excited to meet people and read all about your awesome projects and achievements!
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Glad you decided to introduce yourself, Vanessa. How's your pilot going?
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Thank you Maurice! It's going ok so far, working on my first draft - a bit of a learning curve but hoping to finish it in the next few weeks!
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You're welcome. I understand about learning curve. It was the same way when I wrote my first pilot. What genre is your series?
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Vanessa Deroo Hi Vanessa and welcome to the IYW! It's great to see you pressing on with projects. What genre(s) are you writing in?
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Hey Vanessa Deroo great to meet you!
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It's a coming-of-age comedy set in the mid - 2000s :) A big departure from my fiction writing which is more fantasy and sci fi inclined!
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Thank you Geoff and David! (Please bear with me while I learn how to @ people. This elder millennial is trying her best)
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Hi, Vanessa Deroo I see you live in Brighton. I live in Bristol.
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Never been to Bristol but heard it's a great creative hub!
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Hi Vanessa! Love that you started writing your pilot. Feel free to write in at success@stage32.com happy to put you in the right direction for writing resources when you’re ready!
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Thank you GiGi, I will happily do so :)