Introduce Yourself : This is me! by Vanessa Deroo

Vanessa Deroo

This is me!

Hi everyone! Finally introducing myself on the platform:) 

I'm a very new screenwriter,  working on my first TV pilot, a coming of age comedy. I'm based in the UK, originally from France,  and have been writing fiction for a while. Excited to meet people and read all about your awesome projects and achievements! 

Maurice Vaughan

Glad you decided to introduce yourself, Vanessa. How's your pilot going?

Vanessa Deroo

Thank you Maurice! It's going ok so far, working on my first draft - a bit of a learning curve but hoping to finish it in the next few weeks!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome. I understand about learning curve. It was the same way when I wrote my first pilot. What genre is your series?

Geoff Hall

Vanessa Deroo Hi Vanessa and welcome to the IYW! It's great to see you pressing on with projects. What genre(s) are you writing in?

David P Perlmutter

Hey Vanessa Deroo great to meet you!

Vanessa Deroo

It's a coming-of-age comedy set in the mid - 2000s :) A big departure from my fiction writing which is more fantasy and sci fi inclined!

Vanessa Deroo

Thank you Geoff and David! (Please bear with me while I learn how to @ people. This elder millennial is trying her best)

Geoff Hall

Hi, Vanessa Deroo I see you live in Brighton. I live in Bristol.

Vanessa Deroo

Never been to Bristol but heard it's a great creative hub!

GiGi Raines

Hi Vanessa! Love that you started writing your pilot. Feel free to write in at happy to put you in the right direction for writing resources when you’re ready!

Vanessa Deroo

Thank you GiGi, I will happily do so :)

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