Introduce Yourself : Let's Get Creative!! by Keeshan Giles

Keeshan Giles

Let's Get Creative!!

After nearly 3 years of Covid, a lot of our creative energy has been drained. Let's make 2023 the year we turn it around. I'm looking to connect with like-minded individuals who want to get to the next level. Be it table reads, shorts, webisodes, features, etc. LET'S GO!!

Emily J

Hi Keeshan Giles! Thanks for that reminder! What are you working on at the moment?

Keeshan Giles

Hi Emily. Just getting these self-tape (recorded 2 today) & in person auditions done .And I've been working on a horror/action script. How about yourself?

Maurice Vaughan

Love your energy, Keeshan Giles! LET'S GO! :D

GiGi Raines

That’s awesome! Do you write work you can act in or are you writing for others?

Catherine Lee

Love the message! Would you be interested in doing virtual table reads?

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Keeshan! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Keeshan Giles

Gigi, I wrote my script originally as a vehicle for myself and my fellow actor friends. I based the characters on people in my life.

Keeshan Giles

Hi Catherine. If my schedule permits, I'd be interested in doing virtual reads.

Richard "RB" Botto

Love this energy, Keeshan! Got me shot out of a cannon!

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