Filmmaking / Directing : Ai and its effect on the film industry by Ahi Black

Ahi Black

Ai and its effect on the film industry

Whats your thoughts and predictions on the creative and technical side of our industry with Ai technology? Will we be replaced? Will a movie be made digitally in minutes tailored to the audiences personality?

Linda Amma

The present moment has surpassed the digital technology of the past. many great strides have been made thanks to the overdeveloped human brain.

Victor Fuch Madsen

I believe we will see a lot more tools to help writers directors and actors perfect their performances and craft. I think of AI as a great and helpful assistant more than a supiror overloard :D heh so i think any task that incolves labor intensive productotivity will be minimised in input but maximised in output. It’s a very exiting time we are living through :P

Arthur Charpentier

Artificial intelligence will help rich corporations make films faster and cheaper, which means earning more money. Most will stay in their place. The monopolization of the film market by several large film companies will increase, and they will absorb small ones.

Ahi Black

Arthur Charpentier So from an artist point of view how do we overcome this? Will an audience still value art from writer or director or will it all just be factory made wholesale movies?

William Schumpert

It can’t be replaced. Rather it can help with the function. AI generated images still have to be created by humans in code. But we’re seeing a comeback in animation. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Even on my account with DevianArt there’s a flood gate of AI pics. But the irony is that you can block them.

Sam Sokolow

Hey Ahi - here’s a link to a recent Stage 32 webinar on this very subject that I recommend - it’s really interesting information and perspective:

Arthur Charpentier

Ahi Black, Feature films have already depreciated and are turning into franchises of the serial format.

Previously, every blockbuster was an event, now it's a necessity to pay off.

Yes, your fears are justified. Modern cinema does not create stars, it creates spectacular content. It will be more difficult for directors to become popular and in the end everything will depend on PR, not creativity.

Pjay Gutierrez

Interesting thought! AI i feel is a tool that can be learned and be used to enhance or start creative processes. Cant wait to see the developments of it!

Julia Warren

I am fascinated, intrigued by the new tech that is continously coming up - more tools and toys to play with, as long as they are accessible, and not used to divide up creatives into the 'haves' and 'have-nots'. Currerntly there is quite a lot available for free for creatives to use in terms of digita;/AI tech, enabling struggling artists to create despite their circumstances.

Nick Waters

Great question, Ahi Black. The webinar Sam sent is really interesting and goes into detail on this topic. My feeling is that AI will determine which films/series get produced based on an algorithm that gathers user preferences, in fact this is already happening at the streamers.

William Schumpert

In terms of films CGI was horrible when it first started in the early 2000s. Then you had movies like ‘Lord of the Rings’ and ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ that utilized practical effects and CGI. Even George Romero used CGI to a minimum in the later Dead films. It’s still a practice used today.

Shellie Schmals

I don't think anything can replace the human factor of creativity and soul, but I do agree with Julia Warren that from a technical stand point, AI helps even the playing field technically for artists to complete big budget affects at lower rates.

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