Producing : Are You Looking For Guidance To Produce Your $5-$15M Movie? by Sydney Summers

Sydney Summers

Are You Looking For Guidance To Produce Your $5-$15M Movie?

Stage 32 is excited to welcome back Jeanette! She will teach you every step -- from the inception of an idea to generating profits – leading producers and investors toward the path of creating a film that can be profitable and creatively fulfilling. Jeanette is a wonderful educator :)

Jeanette B. Milio

As always, I am thrilled to be instructing another webinar with Stage32. It's an honor and a pleasure to work with the amazing Stage32 team, and I'm very excited to be meeting the new course participants. This webinar will cover steps you would take from the inception of an idea to seeing your film on screen end generating profits. Fun stuff :)

Amanda Toney

Can’t wait for this!

Richard "RB" Botto

If you've never taken a webinar or class with Jeanette before, you're in for a huge treat.

Jeanette B. Milio

You guys are too kind :). Thank you. I'll do my very best, as always.

Melanie Arden

Hello! I'm a producer/writer from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Happy to be here! I'm super excited for this class! I've taken two courses with Jeanette in the past and learned a great deal from her. She's amazing!

Jeanette B. Milio

Thank you Melanie. Glad to have you in my class again :)

Guy Mannerings

Looking forward to this class!

Crystal L Brooks

This is my second class. I just took the $1-3M class. It was awesome. I'm still going to pester Jeanette to be one of her interns though :)

Jeanette B. Milio

Crystal - yes you can 'pester' me any time :)

Jeanette B. Milio

Thank you guys for a great first class session today. Your questions made it extra special. Keep them coming... next week we talk about Distribution options and deal making. Looking forward to seeing you all again there. Have a lovely week.

Catherine B Owens

Hey - Can anyone please share this week's link for sessions 2? Many thanks -

Catherine B Owens

Got it - thanks! For anyone who has this same problem next week (my link simply wasn't working) - the easiest, fastest solution is emailing

Jeanette B. Milio

I just tried the link. Worked for me. May just be needed to "process".

Jeanette B. Milio

Thank you all again for a great class with fantastic questions. You all are on fire :). Love it. Keep the questions coming. Next week we dive into finance sources and optimally balancing financial plans to generate profits.

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