Interesting challenge! I write about troubled people a lot, so I understand where you’re coming from. Have something terrible happen to them that isn’t really commiserate to their crimes (Theon Greyjoy in Game of thrones), Have other characters call them on their misogyny, Make it seem like they’re becoming more isolated because of this behavior, have them lose their job, give them a tragic backstory where they were abused as a child, etc. Anything that humanizes them. If you look for the vulnerability and bring the audience with you on that journey, I feel like that’s enough. Hope that helps :)
People don’t stop watching shows because they hate a character. Breaking Bad is a great example Walter became the most hateful person, but still compelling.
If I could write someone that audience wanted to actually kill I would be celebrating. To get such emotion from the audience would be gold.
There are surely many ways to go, but the first to come to mind is to make the character amusing. Archie Bunker had a whole host of negative qualities, misogyny included, but his was the number one show in America for years. Make the character compelling in some way so we can't look away. It even works for serial killers (e.g., Hannibal Lecter).
Interesting challenge! I write about troubled people a lot, so I understand where you’re coming from. Have something terrible happen to them that isn’t really commiserate to their crimes (Theon Greyjoy in Game of thrones), Have other characters call them on their misogyny, Make it seem like they’re becoming more isolated because of this behavior, have them lose their job, give them a tragic backstory where they were abused as a child, etc. Anything that humanizes them. If you look for the vulnerability and bring the audience with you on that journey, I feel like that’s enough. Hope that helps :)
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Zelene: Write him with humor. Obnoxious or even insufferable people are always more palatable when they're funny.
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People don’t stop watching shows because they hate a character. Breaking Bad is a great example Walter became the most hateful person, but still compelling.
If I could write someone that audience wanted to actually kill I would be celebrating. To get such emotion from the audience would be gold.
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There are surely many ways to go, but the first to come to mind is to make the character amusing. Archie Bunker had a whole host of negative qualities, misogyny included, but his was the number one show in America for years. Make the character compelling in some way so we can't look away. It even works for serial killers (e.g., Hannibal Lecter).