Screenwriting : M Night Shyamalan on how to write a Screenplay by Geoff Hall

Geoff Hall

M Night Shyamalan on how to write a Screenplay

Here are my takeaways:

“I want to make a particular movie, but the movie doesn’t want to be that. You have to listen…you are in a relationship with this movie.”

He writes 10-11-12 drafts, but shows to people he trusts at around the 5th draft.

Fine-tuning: from broad strokes about structure, to a line in the dialogue.

Movies are NOT talking heads (Don’t tell David Byrne!!) they are cinematic. (I take from that, that we should infuse our script with the cinematic - mood, atmosphere etc.

What’s resonating with those readers (of the 5th draft) - do they lose touch with the character or felt it went off the rails, at a certain point?

Amy Jayne Conley

That line resonated with me: "I want to make a particular movie, but the movie doesn’t want to be that. You have to listen…you are in a relationship with this movie." It is true, isn't it? It's like a dance, the story is fluid. I love it!

Geoff Hall

Amy Jayne Conley yes, a dance of passion!

Geoff Hall

Has it ever happened to you? That your start out writing a screenplay about X only to find you end up writing a screenplay about Y?

Tom Batha

I've had many instances where my main character hijacks the story and takes it in another direction. And I always listen to my character.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for sharing, Geoff Hall. I lose track of the number of drafts I write. Haha Plus, I write as I go, so my first draft is like the fifth draft or something. I don't show a script to anyone until it's finished-finished, unless I'm getting feedback.

Alicia Vaughan

This only happened to me once. With my very first script I wrote a few years back. The script was supposed to be a drama script but it turned into a action script.

I don't share my work until I know it's good. I mean really good, which is many many drafts later. Yes ten to 12 drafts.

Geoff Hall

Tom Batha you are a wise man, Tom!

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan thanks Maurice. So at which number draft, do you show to someone for feedback?

Geoff Hall

Alicia Vaughan thanks, Alicia. Is that so you don’t have to put up with answering criticism about things you already know need changing?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Geoff Hall. Maybe draft five to ten.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan so, it seems, Maurice, that we write in very similar ways. What I call my first draft is probably my fifth.

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Geoff Hall. Even when I get feedback, I like to show a script that's as close to finished as possible. That way, the person's notes won't be about "early draft problems" like logic issues, unnecessary characters, etc. Instead, the person will be able to focus on giving me notes about the story, dialogue, character arc, etc.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan you are a wise man, Maurice.

Howard Koor

Nice share. Thank you.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Geoff Hall. My favorite M. Night Shyamalan movie is "Glass."

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan ooh, I will have to check that one out. Thanks for the heads up, Maurice.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan going back to your comment on drafts, Maurice, and the “early draft problems”. I think that is a great piece of advice. It goes to what we’ve been encouraged to do here on Stage32, to make sure the script is the best you can get it, before you share it with an Exec or Indie Producer.

I think it speaks to our levels of confidence; being assured of what we have created, to the point of taking that big step to hand it over for another pair of eyes to read and critique.

It also calls for patience on our part and not to hurry the process. If you share it before it’s ready, then the Producer will think that this is the best you can do and pass on it. It pays to work on your script and then it’s all part of being efficient on the business side of selling your script.

Dan MaxXx

Ppl forget MNS was a union screenwriter writing Disney franchise movies before The Sixth Sense made him global.

Geoff Hall

Mark Deuce Hopefully it won't be anything like Lars von Trier's film, 'Antichrist'!! Another cabin in the woods film!

Geoff Hall

@Dan MaxXx well that would certainly help with his profile as a screenwriter. He has wasn’t exactly starting from scratch!

Geoff Hall

also this: "What’s resonating with those readers (of the 5th draft) - do they lose touch with the character or felt it went off the rails, at a certain point?"

Some time it does take another pair of eyes to see where this happens. We can be so close to it, we've done our research, we know the character and plot inside out, and then we write with that knowledge, but in an implicit way, assuming that everyone else will see it that way. But...

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Geoff Hall.

Your comment is spot on. "It also calls for patience on our part and not to hurry the process" and "If you share it before it’s ready, then the Producer will think that this is the best you can do and pass on it." How many times have we (writers) sent out scripts, then realized there were issues with them? It's a big head slap. Haha Sometimes I'll want to pitch a script -- or send it out for feedback -- but I talk myself into waiting an extra day or so, then I'll find an issue(s) in the script.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan that’s a good practice, Maurice. I hope everyone is taking notes. Have a great weekend.

Maurice Vaughan

Have a great weekend, Geoff Hall and everyone.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan thank you, kind sir.

James Drago

This is such an incredible share, Geoff. Thank you so much! I noticed you highlighted this comment "He writes 10-11-12 drafts, but shows to people he trusts at around the 5th draft" and I agree! You have to fine tune everything before showing. That's just one of many gems in here. Thank you again!

Marcel Nault Jr.

Having written many drafts of my M.A. thesis in the past, I can definitely understand where M. Night Shyamalan comes from.

Michael Nguyen

I learned a series of harsh lessons when writing scripts as a hobby, with my full-length scripts taking multiple drafts in order to get the final vision that I want. I guess Shyamalan and I do kind of have something in common!

Geoff Hall

@JamesDrago (sorry, Tagging is off again) my pleasure, James. I’m glad it resonated with you. How are you doing?

Geoff Hall

@MarcelNault Jr. Ineed, I know thesis writing well. What was your thesis in?

Geoff Hall

@MichaelNguyen nice one! What are you working on at the moment?

Marcel Nault Jr.

Geoff Hall It was in History, specifically the cultural appropriation of events that happened in Latin America during the 1960's and 1970's by the French-Canadian intellectual militants.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Geoff Hall.

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