Introduce Yourself : Great to be here! Looking to connect by Damilola Onafuwa

Damilola Onafuwa

Great to be here! Looking to connect

Hi Everyone, my name is Damilola and I'm a filmmaker/photographer from Nigeria. I work mostly on documentaries and commercials and currently experimenting with other genres so I'm glad to be on Stage 32. I would be in London in a few weeks and I'm looking to meet filmmakers in London to connect with, learn from, share knowledge with and probably support or shadow while I'm around. If this is you, please feel free to reach out. Thank you.

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic to have you and all your positive energy here, Damilola. Look forward to your contributions!

Sydney S

Hi, Damilola! Welcome to the community :) I would love to learn more about you and your creative career! Feel free to shoot me an email at

I hope you have a beautiful day!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Damilola Onafuwa. Welcome to Stage 32. You can search for London filmmakers in the Browse Members Section (

James Drago

Sent you a network request!

Sam Sokolow

Welcome to the community, Damilola! This is a great place to network and meet creatives to collaborate with.

Nick Waters

Great to meet you! Looking forward to learning more about what you are working on!

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