Screenwriting : James Hadlock, Author, Screenwriter by James Hadlock

James Hadlock

James Hadlock, Author, Screenwriter

Not many WW2 feature length films on the market, but this genre is perfect for an international project as the subject matter never ends, and really good stories are always in demand. This is my niche, and I am just now beginning to see some interest. Since posting my script for a little over a month, I have have had nine film production companies looking either at my logline, or the script itself.

Tarra Kortekaas

Congrats! Keep at it. Look how well ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT did at the Oscars. These are stories which need to continue being told for generations to come.

James Hadlock

Thanks, Tara. I know it's a winner. I've been writing for over 20 years and this is the best I have ever done. I went to Hollywood years ago when I first wrote it, got a good agent and it was passed around for a year before it was optioned. First time I ever made any money from writing. However, a year passed, the option expired, and nothing happened. I did get some good advice and polished up the script, got an excellent coverage, and sold another option! This was for two years, and it actually went to pre-production - but, again, lack of money - the project fell through and the option expired. Made some more money, but two strikes! Now, I have found that more UK and European film companies are looking for projects like this, and I believe a co-op deal is in the making. Hope you are having good luck in what you are doing.

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Love a good WWII story! Is yours non-fiction or fiction? What's it about?

Maurice Vaughan

Wow, congratulations on having nine production companies interested, James Hadlock! :D Hope one of them buys it!

My favorite WW2 movies are "Schindler’s List," "Casablanca," and "Inglourious Basterds." What's your favorite(s)?

Nick Waters

Congrats on the traction you are getting! I always think it is best to write whatever YOU are passionate about, not what others say would be best in the market right now. At the end of the day, if you are passionate about the story it will shine.

James Hadlock

Thanks to all. It's a labor of love, and if you get lucky, it's also about success. In this case, the story is about children caught up in WW2 and an escape from Nazi occupied Belgium with an American bomber pilot running from the Gestapo. I just posted the script.

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

This sounds cool ! Where did you post it?

Arthur Charpentier

A large number of films and TV series about the Second World War are being filmed in Russia. It should be borne in mind that a large number of props are needed to shoot such films. Not all film companies are ready to deal with such difficulties.

Danny Manus

WW2 ARE THE #1 Most Common period piece stories written. The reason the market isnt seeing them right now is because there have been HUNDREDS of movies made. i read more ww2 scripts than almost anything. If ots not a true story based on IP, i would highly suggest not writing a WW2 story. sorry, its the truth.

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