Your Stage : Logline by Bintou Kaba

Bintou Kaba


I would consider myself new to screenwriter. I found ways to create a log line on Google. Logline: is: Once the clock strikes midnight on a beautiful princess' birthday, huge wings sprout off her back; only to discover that the one behind those wings is close to her. Is mine good or does it need some work?

Langley Coleman

Bintou Kaba That's a great start! What you have here is what I call a "1 act logline" - it's a made up term, but basically you've started your story and set up the introduction but haven't finished it. The second act (meat in the middle) is missing.

If the meat of the story is about the princess trying to discover who is responsible for her wings, maybe try something like:

Once the clock strikes midnight on a beautiful princess' birthday, huge wings sprout out of her back causing her to be shunned from courtly society. She must embark on an investigation to find our who has cursed her and why; only to discover that her wicked step mother will do anything to keep the princess from gaining the throne.

IMO a good log line needs to take you through the whole story, not just set up the plot.

Khalil Hakeem

Bintou, to piggyback off what Langley said, you should try to say these loglines aloud to your friends/ family and see if they can guess what the film is about. If they can't, then tweak your logline until they can. Just a suggestion. Keep writing. It gets easier with time. :)

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome, Bintou! When you get a moment, be sure to upload a profile pic and fill out your bio. Doing both will help you tremendously with your networking and profile awareness on this platform. Look forward to seeing you around the community!

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