Introduce Yourself : Fairly New to Stage 32, Aspiring to be a Screenwriter by LaTisha Joiner

LaTisha Joiner

Fairly New to Stage 32, Aspiring to be a Screenwriter

Greetings All,

I am excited to join this community and witness all those around me with similar dreams and aspirations.

I'm an author, who's wanted to maintain a career in writing, but I begun a career in Higher Ed and have remained there for security. 5 years later, I'm looking for a new career path, wondering if I should go back to my first love. I've become interested in screenwriting, so much so, that I've started working on one. I admit, after about a month, I got into a "funk" and started feeling pretty down. I'm wondering whether this is where I should go, and if I'll be good enough to make this a career.

I'm hoping that in time, I'll find inspiration within this community, that'll not only encourage me, but provide helpful resources that will aid me along the way.

I hope to connect with like-minded individuals that are just as passionate as me that can relate. Love to meet you!

Geoff Hall

LaTisha Joiner Hi LaTisha, that very same question is asked by hundreds of writers, so you are not alone! And here is a good place to explore that question and find an answer. If you have completed a screenplay, check out the ‘Script Services’ tab on your page browser. If you are not at the ‘completed’ stage, then check out the Education tab, as there are lots of webinars and teaching sessions on the basics of writing a script for film or TV.

Hopefully this will lead to less “funk” moments in your life! And welcome to Stage32!

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to Stage 32, LaTisha Joiner. Glad you joined the community/global family! :D What genre is the script you're working on?

Leonardo Ramirez

Hi LaTisha Joiner ! I made the same switch and absolutely LOVE it! There's a learning curve but I have no doubt that you'll conquer that hill. Enjoy the journey!

Richard "RB" Botto

You're certainly in the right place, LaTisha! And we have 12 years of resources and content to help you on your journey. If you ever have any questions on how to access and discover them, just send the Development Team a line at

Jacob Martin

Keep pushing forward! Every single writer I’ve ever met (myself included) deals with writers block. It’s just part of the process! What really helps me is reading/ watching strategies that professionals use and seeing if they apply. Typically this means revisiting certain sub-divisions of the hero’s journey or diagnosing the missing emotion in a scene.

I’m no where near professional yet but we’re on the same path so keep at it! Believe in yourself and consider every hour of writing an investment!

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