Introduce Yourself : Reintroduction by Beatrice Wong

Beatrice Wong


Hi, guys!

I'm not new to Stage 32 but thought I'll just introduce myself to the newbies.

My name is Beatrice (Bea to friends).

I'm an aspiring actress and scriptwriter.

I lived in East Yorkshire, England.

Emily J

Hi Beatrice Wong! Thanks for the re-introduction! Are you working on any scripts or projects that you're excited about?

Maurice Vaughan

Nice to see you again, Beatrice Wong. How are you?

Carmealette Smith

Hi Beatrice, wishing you well & please give my regards to England:)

Beatrice Wong

Hi, guys. Emily J, nice to meet you. I'm currently not working on any projects at the moment. Carmealette Smith, Thank you. Maurice Vaughan, nice to see you as well! I'm good. How about you?

Sydney S

Welcome to the community :)

Maurice Vaughan

I'm doing great, Beatrice Wong. I'm not sure if I've asked you: what genres do you want to act in and write?

GiGi Raines

Hi Beatrice! Thanks for reintroducing yourself! If you're here and doing the work... you already are a writer and actress. Feel free to reach out anytime! Always happy to help!

Beatrice Wong

Maurice Vaughan, I don't mind what genres I act in as long as the part/character is well written. It is my dream to be in a Disney style film (I know it sounds clichè). As for scriptwriting, I just go with whatever ideas are in my head and whatever genres it ends up being.

James Drago

I'm not a newbie but I'd be happy to be connected. Sent an invite.

Maurice Vaughan

I hope you reach your goals, Beatrice Wong. Keep us posted on your script when you start writing it.

Beatrice Wong

Maurice thanks! You too.

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