Hi Zachariah, don't be discouraged! Our pitch sessions lead to many requests for scripts and meetings. In just the last 3 months we've had 302 script requests and 66 meeting requests from pitch sessions. If it didn't happen this time just keep at it. If you have any questions or would like to know which execs could be a good fit for your script email my team at success@stage32.com. Cheers!
There is some wisdom in a door to door salesman, which essentially, as Screenwriters, we all are. There are a million screenplays on the market at any given time. the word "no" is going to be heard more than yes. Most people don't need a new vacuum. However, eventually, with enough persistence, and a good enough product, people will say yes. Business empires are built on that. Keep trying, If the advice and feedback given to you is good, apply it and try again. Good luck!
Keep your head up Zachariah! We hear MANY no's before a yes in this business. Actors get hundreds of no's, over and over again. It only takes one yes. You can learn from every pitch and continue to build relationships. If you're concerned about your actual pitching, you can check out the great webinars we have here: https://www.stage32.com/webinars?search=pitching
Hi Zachariah, I second Niki that it only takes one yes. There are so many stories out there about famous writers whose work was turned down dozens of times until they found the right fit and became the legends they are today. Also, just because you don't get optioned or bought doesn't mean it wasn't successful. You never know what relationship you've built will pay off down the road. We're rooting for you, so keep it up!
Thank you all for commenting! I've written a couple more loglines since my last pitch meeting. While I plan to pitch again, I want to enjoy the art of storytelling and scriptwriting.
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Try try until you succeed.
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Thank you, Prakriti.
3 people like this
Learn => Write => repeat.
When you feel you have reached the next level. Try again.
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Thank you, Craig.
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Define "success"?
The paid pitches here are practice, we suppose to learn what & why, so we can compete with peers & mentors for real jobs.
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The pitch sessions can also lead to requests. In other words, the executives might ask for a copy of your script.
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If any executives request a read, make sure the paperwork is through the company they're working for. But thats another discussion.
Keep swinging. Many of us dont hit grand slams playing this game.
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Keep going. Don’t give up!
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Sometimes it takes countless "no's" until you get your "yes"...keep working hard and good results will follow.
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Hi Zachariah, don't be discouraged! Our pitch sessions lead to many requests for scripts and meetings. In just the last 3 months we've had 302 script requests and 66 meeting requests from pitch sessions. If it didn't happen this time just keep at it. If you have any questions or would like to know which execs could be a good fit for your script email my team at success@stage32.com. Cheers!
2 people like this
There is some wisdom in a door to door salesman, which essentially, as Screenwriters, we all are. There are a million screenplays on the market at any given time. the word "no" is going to be heard more than yes. Most people don't need a new vacuum. However, eventually, with enough persistence, and a good enough product, people will say yes. Business empires are built on that. Keep trying, If the advice and feedback given to you is good, apply it and try again. Good luck!
2 people like this
Keep your head up Zachariah! We hear MANY no's before a yes in this business. Actors get hundreds of no's, over and over again. It only takes one yes. You can learn from every pitch and continue to build relationships. If you're concerned about your actual pitching, you can check out the great webinars we have here: https://www.stage32.com/webinars?search=pitching
2 people like this
Hi Zachariah, I second Niki that it only takes one yes. There are so many stories out there about famous writers whose work was turned down dozens of times until they found the right fit and became the legends they are today. Also, just because you don't get optioned or bought doesn't mean it wasn't successful. You never know what relationship you've built will pay off down the road. We're rooting for you, so keep it up!
1 person likes this
Thank you all for commenting! I've written a couple more loglines since my last pitch meeting. While I plan to pitch again, I want to enjoy the art of storytelling and scriptwriting.