On Writing : Clueless Starting Writer by Matthew McKinney

Matthew McKinney

Clueless Starting Writer

How do you get an agent if you're looking to be a writer?

Emily J

Hi Matthew McKinney! Nice to meet you! First, I would say that most writers get a manager before they get an agent (here's piece on their different roles: https://rb.gy/0odhgk). Here's a great post on how: https://rb.gy/kapfwz). But the first step is writing a script. Feel free to shoot me an email at success@stage32.com and let me know what you're working on

Richard Buzzell

Write first. Agent later. Much later.

Nick Waters

My advice is to keep writing. The more samples you have, the better position you'll be in to get representation.

Julie Georgina Shackman

Write your novel and then research who you would wish to represent you/reps writers you admire/same genre as you write and query them. Get your finished MS as polished as you can and then start submitting to agents. Good Luck!

Nathan Woodward

Get a polished script and then, I think a really good tool after you have that, would be the Stage 32 Career Development Call. That would at least get you talking to people who know the people you're looking for and can probably give you really good advice.

David Abrookin

To misquote a shampoo bottle: Write, rewrite, repeat. But seriously, D.E. is on the money with this one, write it and enjoy the process!

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