Screenwriting : Writers Looking to Partner with a Producer by Hayden Shinger

Hayden Shinger

Writers Looking to Partner with a Producer

Hi, I'm an actress and producer in the Los Angeles area. My company Franklin Avenue Productions is looking for any writers that have a script and are looking to partner with an independent producer to get it filmed. My last film The Secret In The Basement is now in its finally stages of post production and will start getting submitted into film festivals. Please reach out so we can collaborate!

Brooke EM

I do. I have written many short and some features. check out my loglines...

Ty Strange

Congrats, Hayden Shinger, on your current project's status! What type of subject matter or genre are you looking for? Shorts or features?

Gen Vardo

I have three ready. DM me if you want to talk.

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Hayden Shinger. Congratulations on starting a production company!!! What genres are you looking for?

Philip Sedgwick

Would be more than happy to have a conversation. Very Zoom friendly!

Nick Waters


Owen Conway

Hi Hayden, I’ve got a character-driven horror feature that might interest you. Please let me know and I’ll send you the pitch deck. Thanks!

Gavin Midani

Hi there Hayden! Are you only looking for features? I only ask because I do have some YA and Sports dramas plus horror, action and fantasy. But all of them are Episodic Series pilots not films. If your interested I would love to share some of my stuff with you. Take care Hayden!

Dan Guardino

I adapted two with Judy Norton that she will star in and another one based on a true story about a con man who gets conned into paying for his own hit. I sent you an invite with my email address.

Bill Brock

I have loglines if you care to read them. Some with pictures!!

Curt Samlaska

I have a family medical drama that might be perfect for's called Jingle Bell Rock. You can check my link out if you are interested. Filmed in Las Vegas. Low budget, extremely character driven. I am actively promoting this feature for production. Have many contacts within the medical community nationwide for patients with epidermolysis bullosa. Let me know if you have any interest.

Ashley Renee Smith

Hayden Shinger, if you're looking for a writer, Stage 32 has a free job board that you can use to post available jobs or search for any jobs in your profession. To find it, click “Jobs” on the top menu bar, and you can search by profession, location, and pay. Here is a link that you can use to go to our job board directly:

Good luck with your project!

Hayden Shinger

Ty Strange Hi and thanks! I'm looking for more dramas, thrillers, especially anything character driven. I also really want to showcase a diverse set of characters with strong female characters. It could be a feature or short.

Owen Conway

Cool, I’ve also got a thriller with two female leads. Serial killer/fictionalized true crime type thing . It’s only a treatment at the moment, but I think you might dig it. Let me know :)

Bill Albert

I'd be happy to find out more about you and your projects. I have a vampire horror film that I think you would like. A majority of it takes place in one location with seven characters so it's really character centered. I also worked on the idea that sometimes it's what you don't see that can scare you. A few other things to offer you, too.

Tiffany Lauren Coleman

Hi Hayden, I just saw your post. Would you be interested in a TV pilot with a strong female lead?

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